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Combinatorics (math.CO)

Tue, 18 Jul 2023

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1.Hadamard matrices of orders 60 and 64 with automorphisms of orders 29 and 31

Authors:Makoto Araya, Masaaki Harada, Vladimir D. Tonchev

Abstract: A classification of Hadamard matrices of order $2p+2$ with an automorphism of order $p$ is given for $p=29$ and $31$. The ternary self-dual codes spanned by the newly found Hadamard matrices of order $60$ with an automorphism of order $29$ are computed, as well as the binary doubly even self-dual codes of length $120$ with generator matrices defined by related Hadamard designs. Several new ternary near-extremal self-dual codes, as well as binary near-extremal doubly even self-dual codes with previously unknown weight enumerators are found.

2.$p$-numerical semigroups of Pell triples

Authors:Takao Komatsu, Jiaxin Mu

Abstract: For a nonnegative integer $p$, the $p$-numerical semigroup $S_p$ is defined as the set of integers whose nonnegative integral linear combinations of given positive integers $a_1,a_2,\dots,a_\kappa$ with $\gcd(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_\kappa)=1$ are expressed in more than $p$ ways. When $p=0$, $S=S_0$ is the originalnumerical semigroup. The laregest element and the cardinality of $\mathbb N_0\backslash S_p$ are called the $p$-Frobenius number and the $p$-genus, respectively. Their explicit formulas are known for $\kappa=2$, but those for $\kappa\ge 3$ have been found only in some special cases. For some known cases, such as the Fibonacci and the Jacobstal triplets, similar techniques could be applied and explicit formulas such as the $p$-Frobenius number could be found. In this paper, we give explicit formulas for the $p$-Frobenius number and the $p$-genus of Pell numerical semigroups $\bigl(P_i(u),P_{i+2}(u),P_{i+k}(u)\bigr)$. Here, for a given positive integer $u$, Pell-type numbers $P_n(u)$ satisfy the recurrence relation $P_n(u)=u P_{n-1}(u)+P_{n-2}(u)$ ($n\ge 2$) with $P_0(u)=0$ and $P_1(u)=1$. The $p$-Ap\'ery set is used to find the formulas, but it shows a different pattern from those in the known results, and some case by case discussions are necessary.

3.Maximal diameter of integral circulant graphs

Authors:Milan Bašić, Aleksandar Ilić, Aleksandar Stamenković

Abstract: Integral circulant graphs are proposed as models for quantum spin networks that permit a quantum phenomenon called perfect state transfer. Specifically, it is important to know how far information can potentially be transferred between nodes of the quantum networks modelled by integral circulant graphs and this task is related to calculating the maximal diameter of a graph. The integral circulant graph $ICG_n (D)$ has the vertex set $Z_n = \{0, 1, 2, \ldots, n - 1\}$ and vertices $a$ and $b$ are adjacent if $\gcd(a-b,n)\in D$, where $D \subseteq \{d : d \mid n,\ 1\leq d<n\}$. Motivated by the result on the upper bound of the diameter of $ICG_n(D)$ given in [N. Saxena, S. Severini, I. Shparlinski, \textit{Parameters of integral circulant graphs and periodic quantum dynamics}, International Journal of Quantum Information 5 (2007), 417--430], according to which $2|D|+1$ represents one such bound, in this paper we prove that the maximal value of the diameter of the integral circulant graph $ICG_n(D)$ of a given order $n$ with its prime factorization $p_1^{\alpha_1}\cdots p_k^{\alpha_k}$, is equal to $r(n)$ or $r(n)+1$, where $r(n)=k + |\{ i \ | \alpha_i> 1,\ 1\leq i\leq k \}|$, depending on whether $n\not\in 4N+2$ or not, respectively. Furthermore, we show that, for a given order $n$, a divisor set $D$ with $|D|\leq k$ can always be found such that this bound is attained. Finally, we calculate the maximal diameter in the class of integral circulant graphs of a given order $n$ and cardinality of the divisor set $t\leq k$ and characterize all extremal graphs. We actually show that the maximal diameter can have the values $2t$, $2t+1$, $r(n)$ and $r(n)+1$ depending on the values of $t$ and $n$. This way we further improve the upper bound of Saxena, Severini and Shparlinski and we also characterize all graphs whose diameters are equal to $2|D|+1$, thus generalizing a result in that paper.

4.Universal adjacency spectrum of (proper) power graphs and their complements on some groups

Authors:Komal Kumari, Pratima Panigrahi

Abstract: The power graph $\mathscr{P}(G)$ of a group $G$ is an undirected graph with all the elements of $G$ as vertices and where any two vertices $u$ and $v$ are adjacent if and only if $u=v^m $ or $v=u^m$, $ m \in$ $\mathbb{Z}$. For a simple graph $H$ with adjacency matrix $A(H)$ and degree diagonal matrix $D(H)$, the universal adjacency matrix is $U(H)= \alpha A(H)+\beta D(H)+ \gamma I +\eta J$, where $\alpha (\neq 0), \beta, \gamma, \eta \in \mathbb{R}$, $I$ is the identity matrix and $J$ is the all-ones matrix of suitable order. One can study many graph-associated matrices, such as adjacency, Laplacian, signless Laplacian, Seidel etc. in a unified manner through the universal adjacency matrix of a graph. Here we study universal adjacency eigenvalues and eigenvectors of power graphs, proper power graphs and their complements on the group $\mathbb{Z}_n$, dihedral group ${D}_n$, and the generalized quaternion group ${Q}_n$. Spectral results of no kind for the complement of power graph on any group were obtained before. We determine the full spectrum in some particular cases. Moreover, several existing results can be obtained as very specific cases of some results of the paper.

5.MaxCut in graphs with sparse neighborhoods

Authors:Jinghua Deng, Jianfeng Hou, Siwei Lin, Qinghou Zeng

Abstract: Let $G$ be a graph with $m$ edges and let $\mathrm{mc}(G)$ denote the size of a largest cut of $G$. The difference $\mathrm{mc}(G)-m/2$ is called the surplus $\mathrm{sp}(G)$ of $G$. A fundamental problem in MaxCut is to determine $\mathrm{sp}(G)$ for $G$ without specific structure, and the degree sequence $d_1,\ldots,d_n$ of $G$ plays a key role in getting the lower bound of $\mathrm{sp}(G)$. A classical example, given by Shearer, is that $\mathrm{sp}(G)=\Omega(\sum_{i=1}^n\sqrt d_i)$ for triangle-free graphs $G$, implying that $\mathrm{sp}(G)=\Omega(m^{3/4})$. It was extended to graphs with sparse neighborhoods by Alon, Krivelevich and Sudakov. In this paper, we establish a novel and stronger result for a more general family of graphs with sparse neighborhoods. Our result can derive many well-known bounds on $\mathrm{sp}(G)$ in $H$-free graphs $G$ for different $H$, such as the triangle, the even cycle, the graphs having a vertex whose removal makes the graph acyclic, or the complete bipartite graph $K_{s,t}$ with $s\in \{2,3\}$. It can also deduce many new (tight) bounds on $\mathrm{sp}(G)$ in $H$-free graphs $G$ when $H$ is any graph having a vertex whose removal results in a bipartite graph with relatively small Tur\'{a}n number, especially the even wheel. This contributes to a conjecture raised by Alon, Krivelevich and Sudakov. Moreover, we give a new family of graphs $H$ such that $\mathrm{sp}(G)=\Omega(m^{3/4+\epsilon(H)})$ for some constant $\epsilon(H)>0$ in $H$-free graphs $G$, giving an evidence to a conjecture suggested by Alon, Bollob\'as, Krivelevich and Sudakov.

6.Some results on extremal spectral radius of hypergraph

Authors:Guanglong Yu

Abstract: For a $hypergraph$ $\mathcal{G}=(V, E)$ with a nonempty vertex set $V=V(\mathcal{G})$ and an edge set $E=E(\mathcal{G})$, its $adjacency$ $matrix$ $\mathcal {A}_{\mathcal{G}}=[(\mathcal {A}_{\mathcal{G}})_{ij}]$ is defined as $(\mathcal {A}_{\mathcal{G}})_{ij}=\sum_{e\in E_{ij}}\frac{1}{|e| - 1}$, where $E_{ij} = \{e\in E\, |\, i, j \in e\}$. The $spectral$ $radius$ of a hypergraph $\mathcal{G}$, denoted by $\rho(\mathcal {G})$, is the maximum modulus among all eigenvalues of $\mathcal {A}_{\mathcal{G}}$. In this paper, we get a formula about the spectral radius which link the ordinary graph and the hypergraph, and represent some results on the spectral radius changing under some graphic structural perturbations. Among all $k$-uniform ($k\geq 3$) unicyclic hypergraphs with fixed number of vertices, the hypergraphs with the minimum, the second the minimum spectral radius are completely determined, respectively; among all $k$-uniform ($k\geq 3$) unicyclic hypergraphs with fixed number of vertices and fixed girth, the hypergraphs with the maximum spectral radius are completely determined; among all $k$-uniform ($k\geq 3$) $octopuslike$ hypergraphs with fixed number of vertices, the hypergraphs with the minimum spectral radius are completely determined. As well, for $k$-uniform ($k\geq 3$) $lollipop$ hypergraphs, we get that the spectral radius decreases with the girth increasing.

7.Algorithms and hardness for Metric Dimension on digraphs

Authors:Antoine Dailly, Florent Foucaud, Anni Hakanen

Abstract: In the Metric Dimension problem, one asks for a minimum-size set R of vertices such that for any pair of vertices of the graph, there is a vertex from R whose two distances to the vertices of the pair are distinct. This problem has mainly been studied on undirected graphs and has gained a lot of attention in the recent years. We focus on directed graphs, and show how to solve the problem in linear-time on digraphs whose underlying undirected graph (ignoring multiple edges) is a tree. This (nontrivially) extends a previous algorithm for oriented trees. We then extend the method to unicyclic digraphs (understood as the digraphs whose underlying undirected multigraph has a unique cycle). We also give a fixed-parameter-tractable algorithm for digraphs when parameterized by the directed modular-width, extending a known result for undirected graphs. Finally, we show that Metric Dimension is NP-hard even on planar triangle-free acyclic digraphs of maximum degree 6.

8.Local central limit theorem for triangle counts in sparse random graphs

Authors:Pedro Araújo, Letícia Mattos

Abstract: Let $X_H$ be the number of copies of a fixed graph $H$ in $G(n,p)$. In 2016, Gilmer and Kopparty conjectured that a local central limit theorem should hold for $X_H$ as long as $H$ is connected, $p \gg n^{-1/m(H)}$ and $n^2(1-p)\gg 1$. Recently, Sah and Sahwney showed that the Gilmer--Kopparty conjecture holds for constant $p$. In this paper, we show that the Gilmer--Kopparty conjecture holds for triangle counts in the sparse range. More precisely, there exists $C>0$ such that if $p \in (Cn^{-1/2}, 1/2)$, then \[ \sup_{x\in \mathcal{L}}\left| \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-x^2/2}-\sigma\cdot \mathbb{P}(X^* = x)\right|\rightarrow 0,\] where $\sigma^2 = \mathbb{V}\text{ar}(X_{K_3})$, $X^{*}=(X_{K_3}-\mathbb{E}(X_{K_3}))/\sigma$ and $\mathcal{L}$ is the support of $X^*$. By combining our result with the results of R\"ollin--Ross and Gilmer--Kopparty, this establishes the Gilmer--Kopparty conjecture for triangle counts for $n^{-1}\ll p < c$, for any constant $c\in (0,1)$. Our result is the first local central limit theorem for subgraph counts above the $m_2$-density.

9.On colouring oriented graphs of large girth

Authors:P. Mark Kayll, Michael Morris

Abstract: We prove that for every oriented graph $D$ and every choice of positive integers $k$ and $\ell$, there exists an oriented graph $D^*$ along with a surjective homomorphism $\psi\colon V(D^*) \to V(D)$ such that: (i) girth$(D^*) \geq\ell$; (ii) for every oriented graph $C$ with at most $k$ vertices, there exists a homomorphism from $D^*$ to $C$ if and only if there exists a homomorphism from $D$ to $C$; and (iii) for every $D$-pointed oriented graph $C$ with at most $k$ vertices and for every homomorphism $\varphi\colon V(D^*) \to V(C)$ there exists a unique homomorphism $f\colon V(D) \to V(C)$ such that $\varphi=f \circ \psi$. Determining the oriented chromatic number of an oriented graph $D$ is equivalent to finding the smallest integer $k$ such that $D$ admits a homomorphism to an order-$k$ tournament, so our main theorem yields results on the girth and oriented chromatic number of oriented graphs. While our main proof is probabilistic (hence nonconstructive), for any given $\ell\geq 3$ and $k\geq 5$, we include a construction of an oriented graph with girth $\ell$ and oriented chromatic number $k$.