1.Five guidelines to improve context-aware process selection: an Australian banking perspective

Authors:Nigel Adams, Adriano Augusto, Michael Davern, Marcello La Rosa

Abstract: As the first phase in the Business Process Management (BPM) lifecycle, process identification addresses the problem of identifying which processes to prioritize for improvement. Process selection plays a critical role in this phase, but it is a step with known pitfalls. Decision makers rely frequently on subjective criteria, and their knowledge of the alternative processes put forward for selection is often inconsistent. This leads to poor quality decision-making and wastes resources. In recent years, a rejection of a one-size-fits-all approach to BPM in favor of a more context-aware approach has gained significant academic attention. In this study, the role of context in the process selection step is considered. The context is qualitative, subjective, sensitive to decision-making bias and politically charged. We applied a design-science approach and engaged industry decision makers through a combination of research methods to assess how different configurations of process inputs influence and ultimately improve the quality of the process selection step. The study highlights the impact of framing effects on context and provides five guidelines to improve effectiveness.

2.Mapping job complexity and skills into wages

Authors:Sabrina Aufiero, Giordano De Marzo, Angelica Sbardella, Andrea Zaccaria

Abstract: We use algorithmic and network-based tools to build and analyze the bipartite network connecting jobs with the skills they require. We quantify and represent the relatedness between jobs and skills by using statistically validated networks. Using the fitness and complexity algorithm, we compute a skill-based complexity of jobs. This quantity is positively correlated with the average salary, abstraction, and non-routinarity level of jobs. Furthermore, coherent jobs - defined as the ones requiring closely related skills - have, on average, lower wages. We find that salaries may not always reflect the intrinsic value of a job, but rather other wage-setting dynamics that may not be directly related to its skill composition. Our results provide valuable information for policymakers, employers, and individuals to better understand the dynamics of the labor market and make informed decisions about their careers.

3.Adapting to Disruptions: Flexibility as a Pillar of Supply Chain Resilience

Authors:Ambra Amico, Luca Verginer, Giona Casiraghi, Giacomo Vaccario, Frank Schweitzer

Abstract: Supply chain disruptions cause shortages of raw material and products. To increase resilience, i.e., the ability to cope with shocks, substituting goods in established supply chains can become an effective alternative to creating new distribution links. We demonstrate its impact on supply deficits through a detailed analysis of the US opioid distribution system. Reconstructing 40 billion empirical distribution paths, our data-driven model allows a unique inspection of policies that increase the substitution flexibility. Our approach enables policymakers to quantify the trade-off between increasing flexibility, i.e., reduced supply deficits, and increasing complexity of the supply chain, which could make it more expensive to operate.