1.Hierarchical network structure as the source of power-law frequency spectra (state-trait continua) in living and non-living systems: how physical traits and personalities emerge from first principles in biophysics

Authors:Rutger Goekoop, Roy de Kleijn

Abstract: What causes organisms to have different body plans and personalities? We address this question by looking at universal principles that govern the morphology and behavior of living systems. Living systems display a small-world network structure in which many smaller clusters are nested within fewer larger ones, producing a fractal-like structure with a power-law cluster size distribution. Their dynamics show similar qualities: the timeseries of inner message passing and overt behavior contain high frequencies or 'states' that are nested within lower frequencies or 'traits'. Here, we argue that the nested modular (power-law) dynamics of living systems results from their nested modular (power-law) network structure: organisms 'vertically encode' the deep spatiotemporal structure of their environments, so that high frequencies (states) are produced by many small clusters at the base of a nested-modular hierarchy and lower frequencies (traits) are produced by fewer larger clusters at its top. These include physical as well as behavioral traits. Nested-modular structure causes higher frequencies to be embedded in lower frequencies, producing power-law dynamics. Such dynamics satisfy the need for efficient energy dissipation through networks of coupled oscillators, which also governs the dynamics of non-living systems (e.g. earthquake dynamics, stock market fluctuations). Thus, we provide a single explanation for power-law frequency spectra in both living and non-living systems. If hierarchical structure indeed produces hierarchical dynamics, the development (e.g. during maturation) and collapse (e.g. during disease) of hierarchical structure should leave specific traces in power-law frequency spectra that may serve as early warning signs to system failure. The applications of this idea range from embryology and personality psychology to sociology, evolutionary biology and clinical medicine.