Populations and Evolution (q-bio.PE)
Wed, 02 Aug 2023
1.Modeling the effects of adherence to vaccination and health protocols in epidemic dynamics by means of an SIR model
Authors:Jasmin Nunuvero, Angelique Santiago, Moshe Cohen, Anca Radulescu
Abstract: Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) models have been used for decades to understand epidemic outbreak dynamics. We develop an SIR model specifically designed to study the effects of population behavior with respect to health and vaccination protocols in a generic epidemic. Through a collection of parameters, our model includes the traditional SIR components: population birth, death, infection, recovery and vaccination rates, as well as limited immunity. We first use this simple setup to compare the effects of two vaccination schemes, one in which people are vaccinated at a rate proportional with the population, and one in which vaccines are administered to a fraction of the susceptible people (both of which are know strategies in real life epidemics). We then expand on the model and the analysis by investigating how these two vaccination schemes hold under two scenarios of population behavior: one in which people abide by health protocols and work towards diminishing transmission when infection is high; one in which people relax health protocols when infection is high. We illustrate these two aspects (vaccination and adherence to health protocols) act together to control the epidemic outbreak. While it is ideal that the tow components act jointly, we also show that tight observance of health protocols may diminish the need for vaccination in the effort to clear or mitigate the outbreak. Conversely, an efficient vaccination strategy can compensate for some degree of laxity in people's behavior.