Populations and Evolution (q-bio.PE)
Tue, 01 Aug 2023
1.Finite population effects on optimal communication for social foragers
Authors:Hyunjoong Kim, Yoichiro Mori, Joshua B Plotkin
Abstract: Foraging is crucial for animals to survive. Many species forage in groups, as individuals communicate to share information about the location of available resources. For example, eusocial foragers, such as honey bees and many ants, recruit members from their central hive or nest to a known foraging site. However, the optimal level of communication and recruitment depends on the overall group size, the distribution of available resources, and the extent of interference between multiple individuals attempting to forage from a site. In this paper, we develop a discrete-time Markov chain model of eusocial foragers, who communicate information with a certain probability. We compare the stochastic model and its corresponding infinite-population limit. We find that foraging efficiency tapers off when recruitment probability is too high -- a phenomenon that does not occur in the infinite-population model, even though it occurs for any finite population size. The marginal inefficiency at high recruitment probability increases as the population increases, similar to a boundary layer. In particular, we prove there is a significant gap between the foraging efficiency of finite and infinite population models in the extreme case of complete communication. We also analyze this phenomenon by approximating the stationary distribution of foragers over sites in terms of mean escape times from multiple quasi-steady states. We conclude that for any finite group of foragers, an individual who has found a resource should only sometimes recruit others to the same resource. We discuss the relationship between our analysis and multi-agent multi-arm bandit problems.