Populations and Evolution (q-bio.PE)
Tue, 18 Apr 2023
1.Playing it safe: information constrains collective betting strategies
Authors:Philipp Fleig, Vijay Balasubramanian
Abstract: Every interaction of a living organism with its environment involves the placement of a bet. Armed with partial knowledge about a stochastic world, the organism must decide its next step or near-term strategy, an act that implicitly or explicitly involves the assumption of a model of the world. Better information about environmental statistics can improve the bet quality, but in practice resources for information gathering are always limited. We argue that theories of optimal inference dictate that ``complex'' models are harder to infer with bounded information and lead to larger prediction errors. Thus, we propose a principle of ``playing it safe'' where, given finite information gathering capacity, biological systems should be biased towards simpler models of the world, and thereby to less risky betting strategies. In the framework of Bayesian inference, we show that there is an optimally safe adaptation strategy determined by the Bayesian prior. We then demonstrate that, in the context of stochastic phenotypic switching by bacteria, implementation of our principle of ``playing it safe'' increases fitness (population growth rate) of the bacterial collective. We suggest that the principle applies broadly to problems of adaptation, learning and evolution, and illuminates the types of environments in which organisms are able to thrive.
2.Robustness and complexity
Authors:Steven A. Frank
Abstract: When a biological system robustly corrects component-level errors, the direct pressure on component performance declines. Components may become less reliable, maintain more genetic variability, or drift neutrally in design, creating the basis for new forms of organismal complexity. This article links the protection-decay dynamic to other aspects of robust and complex systems. Examples include the hourglass pattern of biological development and Doyle's hourglass architecture for robustly complex systems in engineering. The deeply and densely connected wiring architecture in biology's cellular controls and in machine learning's computational neural networks provide another link. By unifying these seemingly different aspects into a unified framework, we gain a new perspective on robust and complex systems.