Modeling Alternative Conformational States of Pseudo-Symmetric Solute Carrier Transporters using Methods from Machine Learning

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Modeling Alternative Conformational States of Pseudo-Symmetric Solute Carrier Transporters using Methods from Machine Learning


Swapna, G. V. T.; Dube, N.; Roth, M. J.; Montelione, G. T.


The Solute Carrier (SLC) superfamily of integral membrane proteins function to transport a wide array of solutes across the plasma and organelle membranes. SLC proteins also function as important drug transporters and as viral receptors. Despite being classified as a single superfamily, SLC proteins do not share a single common fold classification; however, most belong to multi-pass transmembrane helical protein fold families. SLC proteins populate different conformational states during the solute transport process, including outward-open, intermediate (occluded), and inward-open conformational states. For some SLC fold families this structural \'flipping\' corresponds to swapping between conformations of their N-terminal and C-terminal symmetry-related sub-structures. Conventional AlphaFold2 or Evolutionary Scale Modeling methods typically generate models for only one of these multiple conformational states of SLC proteins. Here we describe a fast and simple approach for modeling multiple conformational states of SLC proteins using a combined ESM - AF2 process. The resulting multi-state models are validated by comparison with sequence-based evolutionary covariance data (ECs) that encode information about contacts present in the various conformational states adopted by the protein. We also explored the impact of mutations on conformational distributions of SLC proteins modeled by AlphaFold2 using both conventional and enhanced sampling methods. This approach for modeling conformational landscapes of pseudo-symmetric SLC proteins is demonstrated for several integral membrane protein transporters, including SLC35F2 the receptor of a feline leukemia virus envelope protein required for viral entry into eukaryotic cells.

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