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Analysis of PDEs (math.AP)

Mon, 10 Apr 2023

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1.Singular solutions for space-time fractional equations in a bounded domain

Authors:Hardy Chan, Juan Luis Vázquez, David Gómez-Castro

Abstract: This paper is devoted to describing a linear diffusion problem involving fractional-in-time derivatives and self-adjoint integro-differential space operators posed in bounded domains. One main concern of our paper is to deal with singular boundary data which are typical of fractional diffusion operators in space, and the other one is the consideration of the fractional-in-time Caputo and Riemann--Liouville derivatives in a unified way. We first construct classical solutions of our problems using the spectral theory and discussing the corresponding fractional-in-time ordinary differential equations. We take advantage of the duality between these fractional-in-time derivatives to introduce the notion of weak-dual solution for weighted-integrable data. As the main result of the paper, we prove the well-posedness of the initial and boundary-value problems in this sense.

2.A note on the weak Harnack inequality for unbounded minimizers of elliptic functionals with generalized Orlicz growth

Authors:Mariia O. Savchenko, Igor I. Skrypnik, Yevgeniia A. Yevgenieva

Abstract: We prove the weak Harnack inequality for the functions $u$ which belong to the corresponding De Giorgi classes $DG^{-}(\Omega)$ under the additional assumption that $u\in L^{s}_{loc}(\Omega)$ with some $s> 0$. In particular, our result covers new cases of functionals with a variable exponent or double-phase functionals under the non-logarithmic condition.

3.Bifurcation of sign-changing solutions for an overdetermined boundary problem in bounded domains

Authors:Guowei Dai, Yong Zhang

Abstract: We obtain a continuous family of nontrivial domains $\Omega_s\subset \mathbb{R}^N$ ($N=2,3$ or $4$), bifurcating from a small ball, such that the problem \begin{equation} -\Delta u=u-\left(u^+\right)^3\,\, \text{in}\,\,\Omega_s, \,\, u=0,\,\,\partial_\nu u=\text{const}\,\,\text{on}\,\,\partial\Omega_s \nonumber \end{equation} has a sign-changing bounded solution. Compared with the recent result obtained by Ruiz, here we obtain a family domains $\Omega_s$ by using Crandall-Rabinowitz bifurcation theorem instead of a sequence of domains.

4.Dynamical Billiard and a long-time behavior of the Boltzmann equation in general 3D toroidal domains

Authors:Gyounghun Ko, Chanwoo Kim, Donghyun Lee

Abstract: Establishing global well-posedness and convergence toward equilibrium of the Boltzmann equation with specular reflection boundary condition has been one of the central questions in the subject of kinetic theory. Despite recent significant progress in this question when domains are strictly convex, as shown by Guo and Kim-Lee, the same question without the strict convexity of domains is still totally open in 3D. The major difficulty arises when a billiard map has an infinite number of bounces in a finite time interval or when the map fails to be Lipschitz continuous, both of which happen generically when the domain is non-convex. In this paper, we develop a new method to control a billiard map on a surface of revolution generated by revolving any planar analytic convex closed curve (e.g., typical shape of tokamak reactors' chamber). In particular, we classify and measure the size (to be small) of a pullback set (along the billiard trajectory) of the infinite-bouncing and singular-bouncing cases. As a consequence, we solve the open question affirmatively in such domains. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first construction of global solutions to the hard-sphere Boltzmann equation in generic non-convex 3-dimensional domains.

5.Partial mass concentration for fast-diffusions with non-local aggregation terms

Authors:José A. Carrillo, A. Fernández-Jiménez, D. Gómez-Castro

Abstract: We study well-posedness and long-time behaviour of aggregation-diffusion equations of the form $\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} = \Delta \rho^m + \nabla \cdot( \rho (\nabla V + \nabla W \ast \rho))$ in the fast-diffusion range, $0<m<1$, and $V$ and $W$ regular enough. We develop a well-posedness theory, first in the ball and then in $\mathbb R^d$, and characterise the long-time asymptotics in the space $W^{-1,1}$ for radial initial data. In the radial setting and for the mass equation, viscosity solutions are used to prove partial mass concentration asymptotically as $t \to \infty$, i.e. the limit as $t \to \infty$ is of the form $\alpha \delta_0 + \widehat \rho \, dx$ with $\alpha \geq 0$ and $\widehat \rho \in L^1$. Finally, we give instances of $W \ne 0$ showing that partial mass concentration does happen in infinite time, i.e. $\alpha > 0$.

6.Metaplectic Gabor Frames and Symplectic Analysis of Time-Frequency Spaces

Authors:Elena Cordero, Gianluca Giacchi

Abstract: We introduce new frames, called \textit{metaplectic Gabor frames}, as natural generalizations of Gabor frames in the framework of metaplectic Wigner distributions. Namely, we develop the theory of metaplectic atoms in a full-general setting and prove an inversion formula for metaplectic Wigner distributions on $\mathbb{R}^d$. Its discretization provides metaplectic Gabor frames. Next, we deepen the understanding of the so-called shift-invertible metaplectic Wigner distributions, showing that they can be represented, up to chirps, as rescaled short-time Fourier transforms. As an application, we derive a new characterization of modulation and Wiener amalgam spaces. Thus, these metaplectic distributions (and related frames) provide meaningful definitions of local frequencies and can be used to measure effectively the local frequency content of signals.

7.Can you hear your location on a manifold?

Authors:Emmett L. Wyman, Yakun Xi

Abstract: We introduce a variation on Kac's question, "Can one hear the shape of a drum?" Instead of trying to identify a compact manifold and its metric via its Laplace--Beltrami spectrum, we ask if it is possible to uniquely identify a point $x$ on the manifold, up to symmetry, from its pointwise counting function \[ N_x(\lambda) = \sum_{\lambda_j \leq \lambda} |e_j(x)|^2, \] where here $\Delta_g e_j = -\lambda_j^2 e_j$ and $e_j$ form an orthonormal basis for $L^2(M)$. This problem has a physical interpretation. You are placed at an arbitrary location in a familiar room with your eyes closed. Can you identify your location in the room by clapping your hands once and listening to the resulting echos and reverberations? The main result of this paper provides an affirmative answer to this question for a generic class of metrics. We also probe the problem with a variety of simple examples, highlighting along the way helpful geometric invariants that can be pulled out of the pointwise counting function $N_x$.

8.Kazdan-Warner Problem on Compact Riemann Surfaces with Smooth Boundary

Authors:Jie Xu

Abstract: In this article, we show that (i) any smooth function on compact Riemann surface with non-empty smooth boundary $ (M, \partial M, g) $ can be realized as a Gaussian curvature function; (ii) any smooth function on $ \partial M $ can be realized as a geodesic curvature function for some metric $ \tilde{g} \in [g] $. The essential steps are the existence results of Brezis-Merle type equations $ -\Delta_{g} u + Au = K e^{2u} \; {\rm in} \; M $ and $ \frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} + \kappa u = \sigma e^{u} \; {\rm on} \; \partial M $ with given functions $ K, \sigma $ and some constants $ A, \kappa $. In addition, we rely on the extension of the uniformization theorem given by Osgood, Phillips and Sarnak.

9.Monotonicity properties of limits of solutions to the semi-discrete scheme for the Perona-Malik equation

Authors:Massimo Gobbino, Nicola Picenni

Abstract: We consider generalized solutions of the Perona-Malik equation in dimension one, defined as all possible limits of solutions to the semi-discrete approximation in which derivatives with respect to the space variable are replaced by difference quotients. Our first result is a pathological example in which the initial data converge strictly as bounded variation functions, but strict convergence is not preserved for all positive times, and in particular many basic quantities, such as the supremum or the total variation, do not pass to the limit. Nevertheless, in our second result we show that all our generalized solutions satisfy some of the properties of classical smooth solutions, namely the maximum principle and the monotonicity of the total variation. The verification of the counterexample relies on a comparison result with suitable sub/supersolutions. The monotonicity results are proved for a more general class of evolution curves, that we call $uv$-evolutions.

10.Asympyotic behavior of Musielak-Orlicz-Sobolev modulars

Authors:J. C. de Albuquerque, L. R. S. de Assis, M. L. M. Carvalho, A. Salort

Abstract: In this article we study the asymptotic behavior of anisotropic nonlocal nonstandard growth seminorms and modulars as the fractional parameter goes to 1. This gives a so-called Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu type formula for a very general family of functionals. In the particu\-lar case of fractional Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, we point out that our proof asks for a weaker regularity of the exponent than the considered in previous articles.

11.Dynamics of the black soliton in a regularized nonlinear Schrodinger equation

Authors:Dmitry E. Pelinovsky, Michael Plum

Abstract: We consider a family of regularized defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equations proposed in the context of the cubic NLS equation with a bounded dispersion relation. The time evolution is well-posed if the black soliton is perturbed by a small perturbation in the Sobolev space $H^s(\R)$ with s > 1/2. We prove that the black soliton is spectrally stable (unstable) if the regularization parameter is below (above) some explicitly specified threshold. We illustrate the stable and unstable dynamics of the perturbed black solitons by using the numerical finite-difference method. The question of orbital stability of the black soliton is left open due to the mismatch of the function spaces for the energy and momentum conservation.

12.Existence of Traveling in a Nicholson Blowfies Model with Delayed Diffusion Term

Authors:William Barker

Abstract: In this paper we consider traveling waves for a diffusive Nicholson Blowflies Equation with different discrete time delays in the diffusion term and birth function. We construct quasi upper and lower solutions via the monotone iteration method. This also allows for the construction of C2 upper and lower solutions, and then traveling wave solutions. We then provide numerical results for the kernel for the iteration.

13.Degenerate Fourier transform associated with the Sturm-Liouville operator

Authors:Aleksei Gorshkov

Abstract: Most of the known Fourier transforms associated with the equations of mathematical physics have a trivial kernel, and an inversion formula as well as the Parseval equality are fulfilled. In other words, the system of the eigenfunctions involved in the definition of the integral transform is complete. Here we will study Fourier transform associated with the differential operator, which in addition to the continuous part of the spectrum that defines this transform, may contain a set of eigenfunctions. These functions become the elements of the kernel of Fourier transform.