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Analysis of PDEs (math.AP)

Thu, 29 Jun 2023

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1.Nodal solutions with synchronous sign changing components and Constant sign solutions for singular Gierer-Meinhardt type system

Authors:Abdelkrim Moussaoui

Abstract: We establish the existence of three solutions for singular semilinear elliptic system, two of which are of opposite constant-sign. Under a strong singularity effect, the third solution is nodal with synchronous sign components. The approach combines sub-supersolutions method and Leray-Schauder topological degree involving perturbation argument.

2.Semiconvexity estimates for nonlinear integro-differential equations

Authors:Xavier Ros-Oton, Clara Torres-Latorre, Marvin Weidner

Abstract: In this paper we establish for the first time local semiconvexity estimates for fully nonlinear equations and for obstacle problems driven by integro-differential operators with general kernels. Our proof is based on the Bernstein technique, which we develop for a natural class of nonlocal operators and consider to be of independent interest. In particular, we solve an open problem from Cabr\'e-Dipierro-Valdinoci [CDV22]. As an application of our result, we establish optimal regularity estimates and smoothness of the free boundary near regular points for the nonlocal obstacle problem on domains. Finally, we also extend the Bernstein technique to parabolic equations and nonsymmetric operators.

3.The aggregation-diffusion equation with the intermediate exponent

Authors:Shen Bian, Jiale Bu

Abstract: We consider a Keller-Segel model with non-linear porous medium type diffusion and nonlocal attractive power law interaction, focusing on potentials that are less singular than Newtonian interaction. Here, the nonlinear diffusion is chosen to be $\frac{2d}{d+2s}<m<2-\frac{2s}{d}$ in which case the steady states are compactly supported. We analyse under which conditions on the initial data the regime that attractive forces are stronger than diffusion occurs and classify the global existence and finite time blow-up of solutions. It is shown that there is a threshold value which is characterized by the optimal constant of a variant of Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality such that the solution will exist globally if the initial data is below the threshold, while the solution blows up in finite time when the initial data is above the threshold.

4.Phenotype divergence and cooperation in isogenic multicellularity and in cancer

Authors:Frank Alvarez CEREMADE, INSA Toulouse, Jean Clairambault MAMBA, LJLL

Abstract: We discuss the mathematical modelling of two of the main mechanisms which pushed forward the emergence of multicellularity: phenotype divergence in cell differentiation, and between-cell cooperation. In line with the atavistic theory of cancer, this disease being specific of multicellular animals, we set special emphasis on how both mechanisms appear to be reversed, however not totally impaired, rather hijacked, in tumour cell populations. Two settings are considered: the completely innovating, tinkering, situation of the emergence of multicellularity in the evolution of species, which we assume to be constrained by external pressure on the cell populations, and the completely planned-in the body plan-situation of the physiological construction of a developing multicellular animal from the zygote, or of bet hedging in tumours, assumed to be of clonal formation, although the body plan is largely-but not completely-lost in its constituting cells. We show how cancer impacts these two settings and we sketch mathematical models for them. We present here our contribution to the question at stake with a background from biology, from mathematics, and from philosophy of science.

5.Quantitative stability of a nonlocal Sobolev inequality

Authors:Paolo Piccione, Minbo Yang, Shuneng Zhao

Abstract: In this paper, we study the quantitative stability of the nonlocal Soblev inequality \begin{equation*} S_{HL}\left(\int_{\mathbb{R}^N}\big(|x|^{-\mu} \ast |u|^{2_{\mu}^{\ast}}\big)|u|^{2_{\mu}^{\ast}} dx\right)^{\frac{1}{2_{\mu}^{\ast}}}\leq\int_{\mathbb{R}^N}|\nabla u|^2 dx , \quad \forall~u\in \mathcal{D}^{1,2}(\mathbb{R}^N), \end{equation*} where $2_{\mu}^{\ast}=\frac{2N-\mu}{N-2}$ and $S_{HL}$ is a positive constant depending only on $N$ and $\mu$. For $N\geq3$, and $0<\mu<N$, it is well-known that, up to translation and scaling, the nonlocal Soblev inequality has a unique extremal function $W[\xi,\lambda]$ which is positive and radially symmetric. We first prove a result of quantitative stability of the nonlocal Soblev inequality with the level of gradients. Secondly, we also establish the stability of profile decomposition to the Euler-Lagrange equation of the above inequality for nonnegative functions. Finally we study the stability of the nonlocal Soblev inequality \begin{equation*} \Big\|\nabla u-\sum_{i=1}^{\kappa}\nabla W[\xi_i,\lambda_i]\Big\|_{L^2}\leq C\Big\|\Delta u+\left(\frac{1}{|x|^{\mu}}\ast |u|^{2_{\mu}^{\ast}}\right)|u|^{2_{\mu}^{\ast}-2}u\Big\|_{(\mathcal{D}^{1,2}(\mathbb{R}^N))^{-1}} \end{equation*} with the parameter region $\kappa\geq2$, $3\leq N<6-\mu$, $\mu\in(0,N)$ satisfying $0<\mu\leq4$, or dimension $N\geq3$ and $\kappa=1$, $\mu\in(0,N)$ satisfying $0<\mu\leq4$.

6.On the spectrum of sets made of cores and tubes

Authors:Francesca Bianchi, Lorenzo Brasco, Roberto Ognibene

Abstract: We analyze the spectral properties of a particular class of unbounded open sets. These are made of a central bounded ``core'', with finitely many unbounded tubes attached to it. We adopt an elementary and purely variational point of view, studying the compactness (or the defect of compactness) of level sets of the relevant constrained Dirichlet integral. As a byproduct of our argument, we also get exponential decay at infinity of variational eigenfunctions. Our analysis includes as a particular case a planar set (sometimes called ``bookcover''), already encountered in the literature on curved quantum waveguides. J. Hersch suggested that this set could provide the sharp constant in the {\it Makai-Hayman inequality} for the bottom of the spectrum of the Dirichlet-Laplacian of planar simply connected sets. We disprove this fact, by means of a singular perturbation technique.

7.On a class of generalised solutions to the kinetic Hookean dumbbell model for incompressible dilute polymeric fluids: existence and macroscopic closure

Authors:Tomasz Dębiec, Endre Süli

Abstract: We consider the Hookean dumbbell model, a system of nonlinear PDEs arising in the kinetic theory of homogeneous dilute polymeric fluids. It consists of the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a bounded Lipschitz domain, coupled to a Fokker-Planck-type parabolic equation with a centre-of-mass diffusion term, for the probability density function, modelling the evolution of the configuration of noninteracting polymer molecules in the solvent. The micro-macro interaction is reflected by the presence of a drag term in the Fokker-Planck equation and the divergence of a polymeric extra-stress tensor in the Navier-Stokes balance of momentum equation. We introduce the concept of generalised dissipative solution - a relaxation of the usual notion of weak solution, allowing for the presence of a, possibly nonzero, defect measure in the momentum equation. This defect measure accounts for the lack of compactness in the polymeric extra-stress tensor. We prove global existence of generalised dissipative solutions satisfying additionally an energy inequality for the macroscopic deformation tensor. Using this inequality, we establish a conditional regularity result: any generalised dissipative solution with a sufficiently regular velocity field is a weak solution to the Hookean dumbbell model. Additionally, in two space dimensions we provide a rigorous derivation of the macroscopic closure of the Hookean model and discuss its relationship with the Oldroyd-B model with stress diffusion. Finally, we improve an earlier result by Barrett and S\"{u}li by establishing the global existence of weak solutions for a larger class of initial data.

8.A fractional Willmore-type energy functional -- subcritical observations

Authors:Simon Blatt, Giovanni Giacomin, Julian Scheuer, Armin Schikorra

Abstract: We investigate surfaces with bounded L^p-norm of the fractional mean curvature, a quantity we shall refer to as fractional Willmore-type functional. In the subcritical case and under convexity assumptions we show how this Willmore-functional controls local parametrization, and conclude as consequences lower Ahlfors-regularity, a weak Michael-Simon type inequality, and an application to stability.

9.L2 to Lp bounds for spectral projectors on thin intervals in Riemannian manifolds

Authors:Pierre Germain

Abstract: Given a Riemannian manifold endowed with its Laplace-Beltrami operator, consider the associated spectral projector on a thin interval. As an operator from L2 to Lp, what is its operator norm? For a window of size 1, this question is fully answered by a celebrated theorem of Sogge, which applies to any manifold. For smaller windows, the global geometry of the manifold comes into play, and connections to a number of mathematical fields (such as Differential Geometry, Combinatorics, Number Theory) appear, but the problem remains mostly open. The aim of this article is to review known results, focusing on cases exhibiting symmetry and emphasizing harmonic analytic rather than microlocal methods.

10.On the global bifurcation diagram of the equation $-Δ u=μ|x|^{2α}e^u$ in dimension two

Authors:Daniele Bartolucci, Aleks Jevnikar, Ruijun Wu

Abstract: The aim of this note is to present the first qualitative global bifurcation diagram of the equation $-\Delta u=\mu|x|^{2\alpha}e^u$. To this end, we introduce the notion of domains of first/second kind for singular mean field equations and base our approach on a suitable spectral analysis. In particular, we treat also non-radial solutions and non-symmetric domains and show that the shape of the branch of solutions still resembles the well-known one of the model regular radial case on the disk. Some work is devoted also to the asymptotic profile for $\mu\to-\infty$.

11.A Note on $L^1-$contractive property of the solutions of the scalar conservation laws through the method by Lax-Oleĭnik

Authors:Abhishek Adimurthi

Abstract: In this note, we study the $L^1-$contractive property of the solutions the scalar conservation laws, got by the method of Lax-{O}le\u{\i}nik. First, it is proved when f is merely convex and the initial data is in $L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R})$. And then, it is shown for the case when the initial data is in $L^1(\mathbb{R})$ with the convex flux having super-linear growth. Finally, the $L^1-$contractive property is shown for the scalar conservation laws with the initial data in $L^1(\mathbb{R})$ and the flux is "semi-super-linear". This entire note does not assume any results mentioned through the approach by Kruzkov.

12.Boundedness, Ultracontractive Bounds and Optimal Evolution of the Support for Doubly Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion

Authors:Simone Ciani, Vincenzo Vespri, Matias Vestberg

Abstract: We investigate some regularity properties of a class of doubly nonlinear anisotropic evolution equations whose model case is \begin{align*} \partial_t \big(|u|^{\alpha -1}u \big) - \sum^N_{i=1} \partial_i \big( |\partial_i u|^{p_i - 2} \partial_i u \big) = 0, \end{align*} where $\alpha \in (0,1)$ and $p_i \in (1, \infty)$. We obtain super and ultracontractive bounds, and global boundedness in space for solutions to the Cauchy problem with initial data in $L^{\alpha+1}(\mathbb{R}^N)$, and show that the mass is nonincreasing over time. As a consequence, compactly supported evolution is shown for optimal exponents. We introduce a seemingly new paradigm, by showing that Caccioppoli estimates, local boundedness and semicontinuity are consequences of the membership to a suitable energy class. This membership is proved by first establishing the continuity of the map $t \mapsto |u|^{\alpha-1}u(\cdot,t) \in L^{1+1/\alpha}_{loc}(\Omega)$ permitting us to use a suitable mollified weak formulation along with an appropriate test function.