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Analysis of PDEs (math.AP)

Tue, 06 Jun 2023

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1.Decay of extremals of Morrey's inequality

Authors:Ryan Hynd, Simon Larson, Erik Lindgren

Abstract: We study the decay (at infinity) of extremals of Morrey's inequality in $\mathbb{R}^n$. These are functions satisfying $$ \displaystyle \sup_{x\neq y}\frac{|u(x)-u(y)|}{|x-y|^{1-\frac{n}{p}}}= C(p,n)\|\nabla u\|_{L^p(\mathbb{R}^n)} , $$ where $p>n$ and $C(p,n)$ is the optimal constant in Morrey's inequality. We prove that if $n \geq 2$ then any extremal has a power decay of order $\beta$ for any $$ \beta<-\frac13+\frac{2}{3(p-1)}+\sqrt{\left(-\frac13+\frac{2}{3(p-1)}\right)^2+\frac13}. $$

2.Graph-to-local limit for the nonlocal interaction equation

Authors:Antonio Esposito, Georg Heinze, André Schlichting

Abstract: We study a class of nonlocal partial differential equations presenting a tensor-mobility, in space, obtained asymptotically from nonlocal dynamics on localising infinite graphs. Our strategy relies on the variational structure of both equations, being a Riemannian and Finslerian gradient flow, respectively. More precisely, we prove that weak solutions of the nonlocal interaction equation on graphs converge to weak solutions of the aforementioned class of nonlocal interaction equation with a tensor-mobility in the Euclidean space. This highlights an interesting property of the graph, being a potential space-discretisation for the equation under study.

3.Boundary regularity of uniformly rotating vortex patch

Authors:Yuchen Wang, Maolin Zhou, Guanghui Zhang

Abstract: In this paper we consider the singularities on the boundary of limiting $V$-states of the 2-dim incompressible Euler equation. By setting up a Weiss-type monotoncity formula for a sign-changing unstable elliptic free boundary problem, we obtain the classification of singular points on the free boundary: the boundary of vortical domain would form either a right angle ($90^\circ$) or a cusp ($0^\circ$) near these points in the limiting sense. For the first alternative, we further prove the uniformly regularity of the free boundary near these isolated singular points.

4.Stress concentration for nonlinear insulated conductivity problem with adjacent inclusions

Authors:Qionglei Chen, Zhiwen Zhao

Abstract: A high-contrast two-phase nonlinear composite material with adjacent inclusions of $m$-convex shapes is considered for $m>2$. The mathematical formulation consists of the insulated conductivity problem with $p$-Laplace operator in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ for $p>1$ and $d\geq2$. The stress, which is the gradient of the solution, always blows up with respect to the distance $\varepsilon$ between two inclusions as $\varepsilon$ goes to zero. We first establish the pointwise upper bound on the gradient possessing the singularity of order $\varepsilon^{-\beta}$ with $\beta=(1-\alpha)/m$ for some $\alpha\geq0$, where $\alpha=0$ if $d=2$ and $\alpha>0$ if $d\geq3$. In particular, we give a quantitative description for the range of horizontal length of the narrow channel in the process of establishing the gradient estimates, which provides a clear understanding for the applied techniques and methods. For $d\geq2$, we further construct a supersolution to sharpen the upper bound with any $\beta>(d+m-2)/(m(p-1))$ when $p>d+m-1$. Finally, a subsolution is also constructed to show the almost optimality of the blow-up rate $\varepsilon^{-1/\max\{p-1,m\}}$ in the presence of curvilinear squares. This fact reveals a novel dichotomy phenomena that the singularity of the gradient is uniquely determined by one of the convexity parameter $m$ and the nonlinear exponent $p$ except for the critical case of $p=m+1$ in two dimensions.

5.Inverse problem of determining time-dependent leading coefficient in the time-fractional heat equation

Authors:Daurenbek Serikbaev, Michael Ruzhansky, Niyaz Tokmagambetov

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate direct and inverse problems for the time-fractional heat equation with a time-dependent diffusion coefficient for positive operators. First, we consider the direct problem, and the unique existence of the generalized solution is established. We also deduce some regularity results. Here, our proofs are based on the eigenfunction expansion method. Second, we consider the inverse problem of determining the diffusion coefficient. The well-posedness of this inverse problem is shown by reducing the problem to an operator equation for the diffusion coefficient.

6.Asymptotic stability in the critical space of 2D monotone shear flow in the viscous fluid

Authors:Hui Li, Weiren Zhao

Abstract: In this paper, we study the long-time behavior of the solutions to the two-dimensional incompressible free Navier Stokes equation (without forcing) with small viscosity $\nu$, when the initial data is close to stable monotone shear flows. We prove the asymptotic stability and obtain the sharp stability threshold $\nu^{\frac{1}{2}}$ for perturbations in the critical space $H^{log}_xL^2_y$. Specifically, if the initial velocity $V_{in}$ and the corresponding vorticity $W_{in}$ are $\nu^{\frac{1}{2}}$-close to the shear flow $(b_{in}(y),0)$ in the critical space, i.e., $\|V_{in}-(b_{in}(y),0)\|_{L_{x,y}^2}+\|W_{in}-(-\partial_yb_{in})\|_{H^{log}_xL^2_y}\leq \epsilon \nu^{\frac{1}{2}}$, then the velocity $V(t)$ stay $\nu^{\frac{1}{2}}$-close to a shear flow $(b(t,y),0)$ that solves the free heat equation $(\partial_t-\nu\partial_{yy})b(t,y)=0$. We also prove the enhanced dissipation and inviscid damping, namely, the nonzero modes of vorticity and velocity decay in the following sense $\|W_{\neq}\|_{L^2}\lesssim \epsilon\nu^{\frac{1}{2}}e^{-c\nu^{\frac{1}{3}}t}$ and $\|V_{\neq}\|_{L^2_tL^2_{x,y}}\lesssim \epsilon\nu^{\frac{1}{2}}$. In the proof, we construct a time-dependent wave operator corresponding to the Rayleigh operator $b(t,y)\partial_x-\partial_{yy}b(t,y)\partial_x\Delta^{-1}$, which could be useful in future studies.

7.Stress blow-up analysis when suspending rigid particles approach boundary in 3D Stokes flow

Authors:Haigang Li, Longjuan Xu, Peihao Zhang

Abstract: The stress concentration is a common phenomenon in the study of fluid-solid model. In this paper, we investigate the boundary gradient estimates and the second order derivatives estimates for the Stokes flow when the rigid particles approach the boundary of the matrix in dimension three. We classify the effect on the blow-up rates of the stress from the prescribed various boundary data: locally constant case and locally polynomial case. Our results hold for general convex inclusions, including two important cases in practice, spherical inclusions and ellipsoidal inclusions. The blow-up rates of the Cauchy stress in the narrow region are also obtained. We establish the corresponding estimates in higher dimensions greater than three.

8.Nonexistence results for semilinear elliptic equations on weighted graphs

Authors:Dario Daniele Monticelli, Fabio Punzo, Jacopo Somaglia

Abstract: We study semilinear elliptic inequalities with a potential on infinite graphs. Given a distance on the graph, we assume an upper bound on its Laplacian, and a growth condition on a suitable weighted volume of balls. Under such hypotheses, we prove that the problem does not admit any nonnegative nontrivial solution. We also show that our conditions are optimal.

9.Modica type estimates and curvature results for overdetermined elliptic problems

Authors:David Ruiz, Pieralberto Sicbaldi, Jing Wu

Abstract: In this paper, we establish a Modica type estimate on bounded solutions to the overdetermined elliptic problem \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} \Delta u+f(u) =0& \mbox{in $\Omega$, }\\ u>0 &\mbox{in $\Omega$, } u=0 &\mbox{on $\partial\Omega$, } \partial_{\nu} u=c_0 &\mbox{on $\partial\Omega$, } \end{cases} \end{equation*} where $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^{n},n\geq 2$. As we will see, the presence of the boundary changes the usual form of the Modica estimate for entire solutions. We will also discuss the equality case. From such estimates we will deduce information about the curvature of $\partial \Omega$ under a certain condition on $c_0$ and $f$. The proof uses the maximum principle together with scaling arguments and a careful passage to the limit in the arguments by contradiction.

10.Asymptotic Stability of Solitary Waves for One Dimensional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations

Authors:Charles Collot, Pierre Germain

Abstract: We show global asymptotic stability of solitary waves of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in space dimension 1. Furthermore, the radiation is shown to exhibit long range scattering if the nonlinearity is cubic at the origin, or standard scattering if it is higher order. We handle a general nonlinearity without any vanishing condition, requiring that the linearized operator around the solitary wave has neither nonzero eigenvalues, nor threshold resonances. Initial data are chosen in a neighborhood of the solitary waves in the natural space $H^1 \cap L^{2,1}$ (where the latter is the weighted $L^2$ space). The proof relies on the analysis of resonances as seen through the distorted Fourier transform, combined for the first time with modulation and renormalization techniques.

11.The qualitative behavior at a vortex point for the Chern-Simon-Higgs equation

Authors:Jiayu Li, Lei Liu

Abstract: In this paper, we study the qualitative behavior at a vortex blow-up point for Chern-Simon-Higgs equation. Roughly speaking, we will establish an energy identity at a each such point, i.e. the local mass is the sum of the bubbles. Moreover, we prove that either there is only one bubble which is a singular bubble or there are more than two bubbles which contains no singular bubble. Meanwhile, we prove that the energies of these bubbles must satisfy a quadratic polynomial which can be used to prove the simple blow-up property when the multiplicity is small. As is well known, for many Liouville type system, Pohozaev type identity is a quadratic polynomial corresponding to energies which can be used directly to compute the local mass at a blow-up point. The difficulty here is that, besides the energy's integration, there is a additional term in the Pohozaev type identity of Chern-Simon-Higgs equation. We need some more detailed and delicated analysis to deal with it.

12.Exact controllability of incompressible ideal magnetohydrodynamics in $2$D

Authors:Manuel Rissel

Abstract: This work examines the controllability of planar incompressible ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Interior controls are obtained for problems posed in doubly-connected regions; simply-connected configurations are driven by boundary controls. Up to now, only straight channels regulated at opposing walls have been studied. Hence, the present program adds to the literature an exploration of interior controllability, extends the known boundary controllability results, and contributes ideas for treating general domains. To transship obstacles stemming from the MHD coupling and the magnetic field topology, a divide-and-control strategy is proposed. This leads to a family of nonlinear velocity-controlled sub-problems which are solved using J.-M. Coron's return method. The latter is here developed based on a reference trajectory in the domain's first cohomology space.

13.Block-radial symmetry breaking for ground states of biharmonic NLS

Authors:Rainer Mandel, Diogo Oliveira e Silva

Abstract: We prove that the biharmonic NLS equation $\Delta^2 u +2\Delta u+(1+\varepsilon)u=|u|^{p-2}u$ in $\mathbb R^d$ has at least $k+1$ different solutions if $\varepsilon>0$ is small enough and $2<p<2_\star^k$, where $2_\star^k$ is an explicit critical exponent arising from the Fourier restriction theory of $O(d-k)\times O(k)$-symmetric functions. This extends the recent symmetry breaking result of Lenzmann-Weth and relies on a chain of strict inequalities for the corresponding Rayleigh quotients associated with distinct values of $k$. We further prove that, as $\varepsilon\to 0^+$, the Fourier transform of each ground state concentrates near the unit sphere and becomes rough in the scale of Sobolev spaces.

14.On the inviscid limit connecting Brinkman's and Darcy's models of tissue growth with nonlinear pressure

Authors:Charles Elbar, Jakub Skrzeczkowski

Abstract: Several recent papers have addressed modelling of the tissue growth by the multi-phase models where the velocity is related to the pressure by one of the physical laws (Stoke's, Brinkman's or Darcy's). While each of these models has been extensively studied, not so much is known about the connection between them. In the recent paper (arXiv:2303.10620), assuming the linear form of the pressure, the Authors connected two multi-phase models by an inviscid limit: the viscoelastic one (of Brinkman's type) and the inviscid one (of Darcy's type). Here, we prove that the same is true for a nonlinear, power-law pressure. The new ingredient is that we use relation between the pressure $p$ and the Brinkman potential $W$ to deduce compactness in space of $p$ from the compactness in space of $W$.

15.Plasmons for the Hartree equations with Coulomb interaction

Authors:Toan T. Nguyen, Chanjin You

Abstract: In this work, we establish the existence and decay of {\em plasmons}, the quantum of Langmuir's oscillatory waves found in plasma physics, for the linearized Hartree equations describing an interacting gas of infinitely many fermions near general translation-invariant steady states, including compactly supported Fermi gases at zero temperature, in the whole space $\RR^d$ for $d\ge 2$. Notably, these plasmons exist precisely due to the long-range pair interaction between the particles. Next, we provide a survival threshold of spatial frequencies, below which the plasmons purely oscillate and disperse like a Klein-Gordon's wave, while at the threshold they are damped by {\em Landau damping}, the classical decaying mechanism due to their resonant interaction with the background fermions. The explicit rate of Landau damping is provided for general radial homogenous equilibria. Above the threshold, the density of the excited fermions is well approximated by that of the free gas dynamics and thus decays rapidly fast for each Fourier mode via {\em phase mixing}. Finally, pointwise bounds on the Green function and dispersive estimates on the density are established.

16.A class of fractional parabolic reaction-diffusion systems with control of total mass: theory and numerics

Authors:Maha Daoud, El-Haj Laamri, Azeddine Baalal

Abstract: In this paper, we prove global-in-time existence of strong solutions to a class of fractional parabolic reaction-diffusion systems posed in a bounded domain of $\mathbb{R}^N$. The nonlinear reactive terms are assumed to satisfy natural structure conditions which provide non-negativity of the solutions and uniform control of the total mass. The diffusion operators are of type $u_i\mapsto d_i(-\Delta)^s u_i$ where $0<s<1$. Global existence of strong solutions is proved under the assumption that the nonlinearities are at most of polynomial growth. Our results extend previous results obtained when the diffusion operators are of type $u_i\mapsto -d_i\Delta u_i$. On the other hand, we use numerical simulations to examine the global existence of solutions to systems with exponentially growing right-hand sides, which remains so far an open theoretical question even in the case $s=1$.