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Analysis of PDEs (math.AP)

Mon, 29 May 2023

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1.Continuous dependence of the Cauchy problem for the inhomogeneous biharmonic NLS equation in Sobolev spaces

Authors:JinMyong An, YuIl Jo, JinMyong Kim

Abstract: In this paper, we study the continuous dependence of the Cauchy problem for the inhomogeneous biharmonic nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger (IBNLS) equation \[iu_{t} +\Delta^{2} u=\lambda |x|^{-b}|u|^{\sigma}u,~u(0)=u_{0} \in H^{s} (\mathbb R^{d}),\] in the standard sense in $H^s$, i.e. in the sense that the local solution flow is continuous $H^s\to H^s$. Here $d\in \mathbb N$, $s>0$, $\lambda\in \mathbb R$ and $\sigma>0$. To arrive at this goal, we first obtain the estimates of the term $f(u)-f(v)$ in the fractional Sobolev spaces which generalize the similar results of An-Kim [5](2021) and Dinh [16](2018), where $f(u)$ is a nonlinear function that behaves like $\lambda |u|^{\sigma}u$ with $\lambda\in \mathbb R$. These estimates are then applied to obtain the standard continuous dependence result for IBNLS equation with $0<s <\min \{2+\frac{d}{2},\frac{3}{2}d\}$, $0<b<\min\{4,d,\frac{3}{2}d-s,\frac{d}{2}+2-s\}$ and $0<\sigma< \sigma_{c}(s)$, where $\sigma_{c}(s)=\frac{8-2b}{d-2s}$ if $s<\frac{d}{2}$, and $\sigma_{c}(s)=\infty$ if $s\ge \frac{d}{2}$. Our continuous dependence result generalizes that of Liu-Zhang [27](2021) by extending the validity of $s$ and $b$.

2.Superlinear elliptic equations with unbalanced growth and nonlinear boundary condition

Authors:Eleonora Amoroso, Ángel Crespo-Blanco, Patrizia Pucci, Patrick Winkert

Abstract: In this paper we first prove the existence of a new equivalent norm in the Musielak-Orlicz Sobolev spaces in a very general setting and we present a new result on the boundedness of the solutions of a wide class of nonlinear Neumann problems, both of independent interest. Moreover, we study a variable exponent double phase problem with a nonlinear boundary condition and prove the existence of multiple solutions under very general assumptions on the nonlinearities. To be more precise, we get constant sign solutions (nonpositive and nonnegative) via a mountain-pass approach and a sign-changing solution by using an appropriate subset of the corresponding Nehari manifold along with the Brouwer degree and the Quantitative Deformation Lemma.

3.Viscosity solutions to uniformly elliptic complex equations

Authors:Wei Sun

Abstract: In this paper, we shall extend the definition of $\mathcal{C}$-subsolution condition and adapt the argument of Guo-Phong-Tong[18] to replace Alexandroff-Bakelman-Pucci estimate in complex cases. As an application, we shall define and study the viscosity solutions to uniformly elliptic complex equations and prove the H\"older regularity, following the argument for real equations. Our results show that the new method can improve the dependence in regularity and a priori estimates for complex elliptic equations.

4.Propagation of polarization sets for systems of MHD type

Authors:Rayhana Darwich

Abstract: Polarization sets were introduced by Dencker (1982) as a refinement of wavefront sets to the vector-valued case. He also clarified the propagation of polarization sets when the characteristic variety of the pseudodifferential system under study consists of two hypersurfaces intersecting tangentially (1992), or transversally (1995). In this paper, we consider the case of more than two intersecting characteristic hypersurfaces that are interesting transversally (and we give a note on the tangential case). Mainly, we consider two types of systems which we name "systems of generalized transverse type" and "systems of MHD type", and we show that we can get a result for the propagation of polarization set similar to Dencker's result for systems of transverse type. Furthermore, we give an application to the MHD equations.

5.Quantized Vortex Dynamics of the Nonlinear Wave Equation on the Torus

Authors:Yongxing Zhu

Abstract: We derive rigorously the reduced dynamical laws for quantized vortex dynamics of the nonlinear wave equation on the torus when the core size of vortex $\varepsilon\to 0$. It is proved that the reduced dynamical laws are second-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations which are driven by the renormalized energy on the torus, and the initial data of the reduced dynamical laws are determined by the positions of vortices and the momentum. We will also investigate the effect of the momentum on the vortex dynamics.

6.The 2D Onsager conjecture: a Newton-Nash iteration

Authors:Vikram Giri, Razvan-Octavian Radu

Abstract: For any $\gamma<1/3$, we construct a nontrivial weak solution $u$ to the two-dimensional, incompressible Euler equations, which has compact support in time and satisfies $u\in C^\gamma(\mathbb R_t \times \mathbb T^2_x)$. In particular, the constructed solution does not conserve energy and, thus, settles the flexible part of the Onsager conjecture in two dimensions. The proof involves combining the Nash iteration technique with a new linear Newton iteration.

7.A wavelet-inspired $L^3$-based convex integration framework for the Euler equations

Authors:Vikram Giri, Hyunju Kwon, Matthew Novack

Abstract: In this work, we develop a wavelet-inspired, $L^3$-based convex integration framework for constructing weak solutions to the three-dimensional incompressible Euler equations. The main innovations include a new multi-scale building block, which we call an intermittent Mikado bundle; a wavelet-inspired inductive set-up which includes assumptions on spatial and temporal support, in addition to $L^p$ and pointwise estimates for Eulerian and Lagrangian derivatives; and sharp decoupling lemmas, inverse divergence estimates, and space-frequency localization technology which is well-adapted to functions satisfying $L^p$ estimates for $p$ other than $1$, $2$, or $\infty$. We develop these tools in the context of the Euler-Reynolds system, enabling us to give both a new proof of the intermittent Onsager theorem from [32] in this paper, and a proof of the $L^3$-based strong Onsager conjecture in the companion paper [22].

8.The $L^3$-based strong Onsager theorem

Authors:Vikram Giri, Hyunju Kwon, Matthew Novack

Abstract: In this work, we prove the $L^3$-based strong Onsager conjecture for the three-dimensional Euler equations. Our main theorem states that there exist weak solutions which dissipate the total kinetic energy, satisfy the local energy inequality, and belong to $C^0_t (W^{\frac 13-, 3} \cap L^{\infty-})$. More precisely, for every $\beta<\frac 13$, we can construct such solutions in the space $C^0_t ( B^{\beta}_{3,\infty} \cap L^{\frac{1}{1-3\beta}} )$.

9.Diffusion enhancement and Taylor dispersion for rotationally symmetric flows in discs and pipes

Authors:Michele Coti Zelati, Michele Dolce, Chia-Chun Lo

Abstract: In this note, we study the long-time dynamics of passive scalars driven by rotationally symmetric flows. We focus on identifying precise conditions on the velocity field in order to prove enhanced dissipation and Taylor dispersion in three-dimensional infinite pipes. As a byproduct of our analysis, we obtain an enhanced decay for circular flows on a disc of arbitrary radius.

10.Local well-posedness of the higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the half-line: single boundary condition case

Authors:Aykut Alkın, Dionyssios Mantzavinos, Türker Özsarı

Abstract: We establish local well-posedness for the higher-order nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, formulated on the half-line. We consider the scenario of associated coefficients such that only one boundary condition is required, which is assumed to be Dirichlet type. Our functional framework centers around fractional Sobolev spaces. We treat both high regularity and low regularity solutions: in the former setting, the relevant nonlinearity can be handled via the Banach algebra property; in the latter setting, however, delicate Strichartz estimates must be established. This task is especially challenging in the framework of nonhomogeneous initial-boundary value problems, as it involves proving boundary-type Strichartz estimates that are not common in the study of initial value problems. The linear analysis, which is the core of this work, crucially relies on a weak solution formulation defined through the novel solution formulae obtained via the Fokas method. In this connection, we note that the higher-order Schr\"odinger equation comes with an increased level of difficulty due to the presence of more than one spatial derivative. This feature manifests itself via several complications throughout the analysis, including (i) analyticity issues related to complex square roots, which require careful treatment of branch cuts and deformations of integration contours; (ii) singularities that emerge upon changes of variables in the Fourier analysis arguments; (iii) complicated oscillatory kernels in the weak solution formula for the linear initial-boundary value problem, which require a subtle analysis of the dispersion in terms of the regularity of the boundary data. The present work provides a first, complete treatment via the Fokas method of a nonhomogeneous initial-boundary value problem for a partial differential equation associated with a multi-term linear differential operator.

11.The anisotropic Cahn--Hilliard equation: regularity theory and strict separation properties

Authors:Harald Garcke, Patrik Knopf, Julia Wittmann

Abstract: The Cahn--Hilliard equation with anisotropic energy contributions frequently appears in many physical systems. Systematic analytical results for the case with the relevant logarithmic free energy have been missing so far. We close this gap and show existence, uniqueness, regularity, and separation properties of weak solutions to the anisotropic Cahn--Hilliard equation with logarithmic free energy. Since firstly, the equation becomes highly non-linear, and secondly, the relevant anisotropies are non-smooth, the analysis becomes quite involved. In particular, new regularity results for quasilinear elliptic equations of second order need to be shown.

12.Remark on the local well-posedness of compressible non-Newtonian fluids with initial vacuum

Authors:Hind Al Baba, Bilal Al Taki, Amru Hussein

Abstract: We discuss in this short note the local-in-time strong well-posedness of the compressible Navier-Stokes system for non-Newtonian fluids on the three dimensional torus. We show that the result established recently by Kalousek, V\'{a}clav, and Ne\v{c}asova in [\doi{10.1007/s00208-021-02301-8}] can be extended to the case where vanishing density is allowed initially. Our proof builds on the framework developed by Cho, Choe, and Kim in [\doi{10.1016/j.matpur.2003.11.004}] for compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the case of Newtonian fluids. To adapt their method, special attention is given to the elliptic regularity of a challenging nonlinear elliptic system. We show particular results in this direction, however, the main result of this paper is proven in the general case when elliptic regularity is imposed as an assumption. Also, we give a finite time blow-up criterion.

13.Principal eigenvalues for Fully non linear singular or degenerate operators in punctured balls

Authors:Françoise Demengel

Abstract: This paper is devoted to the proof of the existence of the principal eigenvalue and related eigenfunctions for fully nonlinear degenerate or singular uniformly elliptic equations posed in a punctured ball, in presence of a singular potential. More precisely, we analyze existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions $( \bar\lambda_\gamma, u_\gamma)$ of the equation $$| \nabla u |^\alpha F( D^2 u_\gamma)+ \bar \lambda_\gamma {u_\gamma^{1+\alpha} \over r^\gamma} = 0\ {\rm in} \ B(0,1)\setminus \{0\}, \ u_\gamma = 0 \ {\rm on} \ \partial B(0,1)$$ where $u_\gamma>0$ in $B(0,1)$, $\alpha >-1$ and $\gamma >0$. We prove existence of radial solutions which are continuous on $\overline{ B(0,1)}$ in the case $\gamma <2+\alpha$, existence of unbounded solutions which do ot satisfy the boundary condition in the case $\gamma = 2+\alpha $ and a non existence result for $\gamma >2+\alpha$. We also give the explicit value of $\bar \lambda_{2+\alpha} $ in the case of Pucci's operators, which generalizes the Hardy--Sobolev constant for the Laplacian, and the previous results of Birindelli, Demengel and Leoni

14.Asymptotic behavior of Kawahara equation with memory effect

Authors:Roberto de A. Capistrano Filho, Boumediène Chentouf, Isadora Maria de Jesus

Abstract: In this work, we are interested in a detailed qualitative analysis of the Kawahara equation, a model that has numerous physical motivations such as magneto-acoustic waves in a cold plasma and gravity waves on the surface of a heavy liquid. First, we design a feedback law, which combines a damping control and a finite memory term. Then, it is shown that the energy associated with this system exponentially decays.

15.Well-posedness for a transmission problem connecting first and second-order operators

Authors:Héctor A. Chang-Lara

Abstract: We establish the existence and uniqueness of viscosity solutions within a domain $\Omega\subseteq\mathbb R^n$ for a class of equations governed by elliptic and eikonal type equations in disjoint regions. Our primary motivation stems from the Hamilton-Jacobi equation that arises in the context of a stochastic optimal control problem.