RSG-YOLO: Detection of rice seed germination rate based on enhanced YOLOv8 and multi-scale attention feature fusion

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RSG-YOLO: Detection of rice seed germination rate based on enhanced YOLOv8 and multi-scale attention feature fusion


Li, H.; Liu, L.; Li, Q.; Liao, J.; Liu, L.; Zhang, Y.; Tang, Q.; Rao, Y.; Gao, Y.


The lack of obvious difference between germinated seeds and non-germinated seeds will cause the low accuracy of detecting rice seed germination rate, remains a challenging issue in the field. In view of this, a new model named Rice Seed Germination-YOLO (RSG-YOLO) is proposed in this paper. This model initially incorporates CSPDenseNet to streamline computational processes while preserving accuracy. Furthermore, the BRA, a dynamic and sparse attention mechanism is integrated to highlight critical features while minimizing redundancy. The third advancement is the employment of a structured feature fusion network, based on GFPN, to reconfigure the original Neck component of YOLOv8, thus enabling efficient feature fusion across varying levels. An additional detection head is introduced, improving detection performance through the integration of variable anchor box scales and the optimization of regression losses. This paper also explores the influence of various attention mechanisms, feature fusion techniques, and detection head architectures on the precision of rice seed germination rate detection. Experimental results indicate that RSG-YOLO achieves a mAP50 of 0.981, marking a 4% enhancement over the mAP50 of YOLOv8 and setting a new benchmark on the RiceSeedGermination dataset for the detection of rice seed germination rate.

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