Cooper-pair splitters as circuit elements for realizing topological superconductors

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Cooper-pair splitters as circuit elements for realizing topological superconductors


Guilherme Delfino, Dmitry Green, Saulius Vaitiekėnas, Charles M. Marcus, Claudio Chamon


Advances in materials and fabrication of superconducting devices allows the exploration of novel quantum effects in synthetic superconducting systems beyond conventional Josephson junction arrays. As an example, we introduce a new circuit element, the Y-splitter, a superconducting loop with three leads and three Josephson junctions, smaller or comparable in size to the superconducting coherence length of the material. By tuning magnetic flux through an array of Y-splitters, Cooper-pair transport can be made to interfere destructively, while spatially separated split Cooper pairs propagate coherently. We consider an array of Y-splitters connected in a two-dimensional star [Archimedean (3,$12^2$)] geometry, deformable into the kagome lattice, and find a rich phase diagram that includes topological superconducting phases with Chern numbers $\pm 2$. Experimental realization appears feasible.

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