1.Non-Concave Utility Maximization with Transaction Costs

Authors:Shuaijie Qian, Chen Yang

Abstract: This paper studies a finite-horizon portfolio selection problem with non-concave terminal utility and proportional transaction costs. The commonly used concavification principle for terminal value is no longer valid here, and we establish a proper theoretical characterization of this problem. We first give the asymptotic terminal behavior of the value function, which implies any transaction close to maturity only provides a marginal contribution to the utility. After that, the theoretical foundation is established in terms of a novel definition of the viscosity solution incorporating our asymptotic terminal condition. Via numerical analyses, we find that the introduction of transaction costs into non-concave utility maximization problems can prevent the portfolio from unbounded leverage and make a large short position in stock optimal despite a positive risk premium and symmetric transaction costs.

2.Application of the Deffuant model in money exchange

Authors:Hsin-Lun Li

Abstract: A money transfer involves a buyer and a seller. A buyer buys goods or services from a seller. The money the buyer decreases is the same as that the seller increases. At each time step, a pair of socially connected agents are selected and transact in agreed money. We evolve the Deffuant model to a money exchange system and study circumstances under which asymptotic stability holds, or equal wealth can be achieved.