1.Does Interdisciplinary Creative Coding Boost Creativity? A Mixed Methods Approach

Authors:Arne Duyver, Wouter Groeneveld, Kris Aerts

Abstract: This study explores the influence of an interdisciplinary intervention on creative problem-solving skills. Literature deems such skills as vital for software engineering (SE) students in higher education. 39 SE students and graphic design (GD) students were randomly paired to work on an open-ended creative coding assignment in p5.js, an online JS-based Processing editor that makes it easy for novices to quickly and easily code visual webpages. Three categories were formed: the test group SE+GD (18 students), and control groups SE+SE (10) and GD+GD (11). A mixed methods approach was taken to gather and interpret results: Amabile's Consensual Assessment Technique provided a global creativity score for the finished product, the Creative Programming Problem Solving Test assessed three dimensions of the creative process (Ability, Mindset, Interaction), and 9 semi-structured follow-up interviews provided context and revealed underlying themes. The results indicate that, while the creativity of the end product initially takes a hit, the SE+GD groups' socio-interactive creativity levels increased. We also observed fixed mindsets towards creativity ("design students are more creative than we") that call for future work.

2.Toward a Mapping of Capability and Skill Models using Asset Administration Shells and Ontologies

Authors:Luis Miguel Vieira da Silva, Aljosha Köcher, Milapji Singh Gill, Marco Weiss, Alexander Fay

Abstract: In order to react efficiently to changes in production, resources and their functions must be integrated into plants in accordance with the plug and produce principle. In this context, research on so-called capabilities and skills has shown promise. However, there are currently two incompatible approaches to modeling capabilities and skills. On the one hand, formal descriptions using ontologies have been developed. On the other hand, there are efforts to standardize submodels of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) for this purpose. In this paper, we present ongoing research to connect these two incompatible modeling approaches. Both models are analyzed to identify comparable as well as dissimilar model elements. Subsequently, we present a concept for a bidirectional mapping between AAS submodels and a capability and skill ontology. For this purpose, two unidirectional, declarative mappings are applied that implement transformations from one modeling approach to the other - and vice versa.

3.Tales from the Git: Automating the detection of secrets on code and assessing developers' passwords choices

Authors:Nikolaos Lykousas, Constantinos Patsakis

Abstract: Typical users are known to use and reuse weak passwords. Yet, as cybersecurity concerns continue to rise, understanding the password practices of software developers becomes increasingly important. In this work, we examine developers' passwords on public repositories. Our dedicated crawler collected millions of passwords from public GitHub repositories; however, our focus is on their unique characteristics. To this end, this is the first study investigating the developer traits in password selection across different programming languages and contexts, e.g. email and database. Despite the fact that developers may have carelessly leaked their code on public repositories, our findings indicate that they tend to use significantly more secure passwords, regardless of the underlying programming language and context. Nevertheless, when the context allows, they often resort to similar password selection criteria as typical users. The public availability of such information in a cleartext format indicates that there is still much room for improvement and that further targeted awareness campaigns are necessary.

4.Cloud Native Software Engineering

Authors:Brian S. Mitchell

Abstract: Cloud compute adoption has been growing since its inception in the early 2000's with estimates that the size of this market in terms of worldwide spend will increase from \$700 billion in 2021 to \$1.3 trillion in 2025. While there is a significant research activity in many areas of cloud computing technologies, we see little attention being paid to advancing software engineering practices needed to support the current and next generation of cloud native applications. By cloud native, we mean software that is designed and built specifically for deployment to a modern cloud platform. This paper frames the landscape of Cloud Native Software Engineering from a practitioners standpoint, and identifies several software engineering research opportunities that should be investigated. We cover specific engineering challenges associated with software architectures commonly used in cloud applications along with incremental challenges that are expected with emerging IoT/Edge computing use cases.

5.A Vision for Flexibile GLSP-based Web Modeling Tools

Authors:Dominik Bork, Philip Langer, Tobias Ortmayr

Abstract: In the past decade, the modeling community has produced many feature-rich modeling editors and tool prototypes not only for modeling standards but particularly also for many domain-specific languages. More recently, however, web-based modeling tools have started to become increasingly popular for visualizing and editing models adhering to such languages in the industry. This new generation of modeling tools is built with web technologies and offers much more flexibility when it comes to their user experience, accessibility, reuse, and deployment options. One of the technologies behind this new generation of tools is the Graphical Language Server Platform (GLSP), an open-source client-server framework hosted under the Eclipse foundation, which allows tool providers to build modern diagram editors for modeling tools that run in the browser or can be easily integrated into IDEs such as Eclipse, VS Code, or Eclipse Theia. In this paper, we describe our vision of more flexible modeling tools which is based on our experiences from developing several GLSP-based modeling tools. With that, we aim at sparking a new line of research and innovation in the modeling community for modeling tool development practices and to explore opportunities, advantages, or limitations of web-based modeling tools, as well as bridge the gap between scientific tool prototypes and industrial tools being used in practice.