1.IoT Data Processing for Smart City and Semantic Web Applications

Authors:Shubham Mante

Abstract: The world has been experiencing rapid urbanization over the last few decades, putting a strain on existing city infrastructure such as waste management, water supply management, public transport and electricity consumption. We are also seeing increasing pollution levels in cities threatening the environment, natural resources and health conditions. However, we must realize that the real growth lies in urbanization as it provides many opportunities to individuals for better employment, healthcare and better education. However, it is imperative to limit the ill effects of rapid urbanization through integrated action plans to enable the development of growing cities. This gave rise to the concept of a smart city in which all available information associated with a city will be utilized systematically for better city management. The proposed system architecture is divided in subsystems and is discussed in individual chapters. The first chapter introduces and gives overview to the reader of the complete system architecture. The second chapter discusses the data monitoring system and data lake system based on the oneM2M standards. DMS employs oneM2M as a middleware layer to achieve interoperability, and DLS uses a multi-tenant architecture with multiple logical databases, enabling efficient and reliable data management. The third chapter discusses energy monitoring and electric vehicle charging systems developed to illustrate the applicability of the oneM2M standards. The fourth chapter discusses the Data Exchange System based on the Indian Urban Data Exchange framework. DES uses IUDX standard data schema and open APIs to avoid data silos and enable secure data sharing. The fifth chapter discusses the 5D-IoT framework that provides uniform data quality assessment of sensor data with meaningful data descriptions.

2.Divide and Conquer the EmpiRE: A Community-Maintainable Knowledge Graph of Empirical Research in Requirements Engineering

Authors:Oliver Karras, Felix Wernlein, Jil Klünder, Sören Auer

Abstract: [Background.] Empirical research in requirements engineering (RE) is a constantly evolving topic, with a growing number of publications. Several papers address this topic using literature reviews to provide a snapshot of its "current" state and evolution. However, these papers have never built on or updated earlier ones, resulting in overlap and redundancy. The underlying problem is the unavailability of data from earlier works. Researchers need technical infrastructures to conduct sustainable literature reviews. [Aims.] We examine the use of the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) as such an infrastructure to build and publish an initial Knowledge Graph of Empirical research in RE (KG-EmpiRE) whose data is openly available. Our long-term goal is to continuously maintain KG-EmpiRE with the research community to synthesize a comprehensive, up-to-date, and long-term available overview of the state and evolution of empirical research in RE. [Method.] We conduct a literature review using the ORKG to build and publish KG-EmpiRE which we evaluate against competency questions derived from a published vision of empirical research in software (requirements) engineering for 2020 - 2025. [Results.] From 570 papers of the IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (2000 - 2022), we extract and analyze data on the reported empirical research and answer 16 out of 77 competency questions. These answers show a positive development towards the vision, but also the need for future improvements. [Conclusions.] The ORKG is a ready-to-use and advanced infrastructure to organize data from literature reviews as knowledge graphs. The resulting knowledge graphs make the data openly available and maintainable by research communities, enabling sustainable literature reviews.

3.A Query Language for Software Architecture Information (Extended version)

Authors:Joshua Ammermann, Sven Jordan, Lukas Linsbauer, Ina Schaefer

Abstract: Software maintenance is an important part of a software system's life cycle. Maintenance tasks of existing software systems suffer from architecture information that is diverging over time (architectural drift). The Digital Architecture Twin (DArT) can support software maintenance by providing up-to-date architecture information. For this, the DArT gathers such information and co-evolves with a software system, enabling continuous reverse engineering. But the crucial link for stakeholders to retrieve this information is missing. To fill this gap, we contribute the Architecture Information Query Language (AIQL), which enables stakeholders to access up-to-date and tailored architecture information. We derived four application scenarios in the context of continuous reverse engineering. We showed that the AIQL provides the required functionality to formulate queries for the application scenarios and that the language scales for use with real-world software systems. In a user study, stakeholders agreed that the language is easy to understand and assessed its value to the specific stakeholder for the application scenarios.

4.Noise-Aware Quantum Software Testing

Authors:Asmar Muqeet, Tao Yue, Shaukat Ali, Paolo Arcaini

Abstract: Quantum Computing (QC) promises computational speedup over classic computing for solving some complex problems. However, noise exists in current and near-term quantum computers. Quantum software testing (for gaining confidence in quantum software's correctness) is inevitably impacted by noise, to the extent that it is impossible to know if a test case failed due to noise or real faults. Existing testing techniques test quantum programs without considering noise, i.e., by executing tests on ideal quantum computer simulators. Consequently, they are not directly applicable to testing quantum software on real QC hardware or noisy simulators. To this end, we propose a noise-aware approach (named QOIN) to alleviate the noise effect on test results of quantum programs. QOIN employs machine learning techniques (e.g., transfer learning) to learn the noise effect of a quantum computer and filter it from a quantum program's outputs. Such filtered outputs are then used as the input to perform test case assessments (determining the passing or failing of a test case execution against a test oracle). We evaluated QOIN on IBM's 23 noise models with nine real-world quantum programs and 1000 artificial quantum programs. We also generated faulty versions of these programs to check if a failing test case execution can be determined under noise. Results show that QOIN can reduce the noise effect by more than $80\%$. To check QOIN's effectiveness for quantum software testing, we used an existing test oracle for quantum software testing. The results showed that the F1-score of the test oracle was improved on average by $82\%$ for six real-world programs and by $75\%$ for 800 artificial programs, demonstrating that QOIN can effectively learn noise patterns and enable noise-aware quantum software testing.

5.RAPGen: An Approach for Fixing Code Inefficiencies in Zero-Shot

Authors:Spandan Garg, Roshanak Zilouchian Moghaddam, Neel Sundaresan

Abstract: Performance bugs are non-functional bugs that can even manifest in well-tested commercial products. Fixing these performance bugs is an important yet challenging problem. In this work, we address this challenge and present a new approach called Retrieval-Augmented Prompt Generation (RAPGen). Given a code snippet with a performance issue, RAPGen first retrieves a prompt instruction from a pre-constructed knowledge-base of previous performance bug fixes and then generates a prompt using the retrieved instruction. It then uses this prompt on a Large Language Model (such as Codex) in zero-shot to generate a fix. We compare our approach with the various prompt variations and state of the art methods in the task of performance bug fixing. Our evaluation shows that RAPGen can generate performance improvement suggestions equivalent or better than a developer in ~60% of the cases, getting ~39% of them verbatim, in an expert-verified dataset of past performance changes made by C# developers.