1.A Meta-analytical Comparison of Naive Bayes and Random Forest for Software Defect Prediction

Authors:Ch Muhammad Awais, Wei Gu, Gcinizwe Dlamini, Zamira Kholmatova, Giancarlo Succi

Abstract: Is there a statistical difference between Naive Bayes and Random Forest in terms of recall, f-measure, and precision for predicting software defects? By utilizing systematic literature review and meta-analysis, we are answering this question. We conducted a systematic literature review by establishing criteria to search and choose papers, resulting in five studies. After that, using the meta-data and forest-plots of five chosen papers, we conducted a meta-analysis to compare the two models. The results have shown that there is no significant statistical evidence that Naive Bayes perform differently from Random Forest in terms of recall, f-measure, and precision.

2.Automated Static Warning Identification via Path-based Semantic Representation

Authors:Yuwei Zhang, Ying Xing, Ge Li, Zhi Jin

Abstract: Despite their ability to aid developers in detecting potential defects early in the software development life cycle, static analysis tools often suffer from precision issues (i.e., high false positive rates of reported alarms). To improve the availability of these tools, many automated warning identification techniques have been proposed to assist developers in classifying false positive alarms. However, existing approaches mainly focus on using hand-engineered features or statement-level abstract syntax tree token sequences to represent the defective code, failing to capture semantics from the reported alarms. To overcome the limitations of traditional approaches, this paper employs deep neural networks' powerful feature extraction and representation abilities to generate code semantics from control flow graph paths for warning identification. The control flow graph abstractly represents the execution process of a given program. Thus, the generated path sequences of the control flow graph can guide the deep neural networks to learn semantic information about the potential defect more accurately. In this paper, we fine-tune the pre-trained language model to encode the path sequences and capture the semantic representations for model building. Finally, this paper conducts extensive experiments on eight open-source projects to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach by comparing it with the state-of-the-art baselines.