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Machine Learning (cs.LG)

Fri, 16 Jun 2023

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1.The False Dawn: Reevaluating Google's Reinforcement Learning for Chip Macro Placement

Authors:Igor L. Markov

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) for physical design of silicon chips in a Google 2021 Nature paper stirred controversy due to poorly documented claims that raised eyebrows and attracted critical media coverage. The Nature paper withheld most inputs needed to produce reported results and some critical steps in the methodology. But two independent evaluations filled in the gaps and demonstrated that Google RL lags behind human designers, behind a well-known algorithm (Simulated Annealing), and also behind generally-available commercial software. Crosschecked data indicate that the integrity of the Nature paper is substantially undermined owing to errors in the conduct, analysis and reporting.

2.BISCUIT: Causal Representation Learning from Binary Interactions

Authors:Phillip Lippe, Sara Magliacane, Sindy Löwe, Yuki M. Asano, Taco Cohen, Efstratios Gavves

Abstract: Identifying the causal variables of an environment and how to intervene on them is of core value in applications such as robotics and embodied AI. While an agent can commonly interact with the environment and may implicitly perturb the behavior of some of these causal variables, often the targets it affects remain unknown. In this paper, we show that causal variables can still be identified for many common setups, e.g., additive Gaussian noise models, if the agent's interactions with a causal variable can be described by an unknown binary variable. This happens when each causal variable has two different mechanisms, e.g., an observational and an interventional one. Using this identifiability result, we propose BISCUIT, a method for simultaneously learning causal variables and their corresponding binary interaction variables. On three robotic-inspired datasets, BISCUIT accurately identifies causal variables and can even be scaled to complex, realistic environments for embodied AI.

3.Learning CO$_2$ plume migration in faulted reservoirs with Graph Neural Networks

Authors:Xin Ju, François P. Hamon, Gege Wen, Rayan Kanfar, Mauricio Araya-Polo, Hamdi A. Tchelepi

Abstract: Deep-learning-based surrogate models provide an efficient complement to numerical simulations for subsurface flow problems such as CO$_2$ geological storage. Accurately capturing the impact of faults on CO$_2$ plume migration remains a challenge for many existing deep learning surrogate models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Neural Operators. We address this challenge with a graph-based neural model leveraging recent developments in the field of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Our model combines graph-based convolution Long-Short-Term-Memory (GConvLSTM) with a one-step GNN model, MeshGraphNet (MGN), to operate on complex unstructured meshes and limit temporal error accumulation. We demonstrate that our approach can accurately predict the temporal evolution of gas saturation and pore pressure in a synthetic reservoir with impermeable faults. Our results exhibit a better accuracy and a reduced temporal error accumulation compared to the standard MGN model. We also show the excellent generalizability of our algorithm to mesh configurations, boundary conditions, and heterogeneous permeability fields not included in the training set. This work highlights the potential of GNN-based methods to accurately and rapidly model subsurface flow with complex faults and fractures.

4.Temporal Causal Mediation through a Point Process: Direct and Indirect Effects of Healthcare Interventions

Authors:Çağlar Hızlı, ST John, Anne Juuti, Tuure Saarinen, Kirsi Pietiläinen, Pekka Marttinen

Abstract: Deciding on an appropriate intervention requires a causal model of a treatment, the outcome, and potential mediators. Causal mediation analysis lets us distinguish between direct and indirect effects of the intervention, but has mostly been studied in a static setting. In healthcare, data come in the form of complex, irregularly sampled time-series, with dynamic interdependencies between a treatment, outcomes, and mediators across time. Existing approaches to dynamic causal mediation analysis are limited to regular measurement intervals, simple parametric models, and disregard long-range mediator--outcome interactions. To address these limitations, we propose a non-parametric mediator--outcome model where the mediator is assumed to be a temporal point process that interacts with the outcome process. With this model, we estimate the direct and indirect effects of an external intervention on the outcome, showing how each of these affects the whole future trajectory. We demonstrate on semi-synthetic data that our method can accurately estimate direct and indirect effects. On real-world healthcare data, our model infers clinically meaningful direct and indirect effect trajectories for blood glucose after a surgery.

5.Cooperative Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control and Carbon Emission Reduction

Authors:Cheng Ruei Tang, Jun Wei Hsieh, Shin You Teng

Abstract: Existing traffic signal control systems rely on oversimplified rule-based methods, and even RL-based methods are often suboptimal and unstable. To address this, we propose a cooperative multi-objective architecture called Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MOMA-DDPG), which estimates multiple reward terms for traffic signal control optimization using age-decaying weights. Our approach involves two types of agents: one focuses on optimizing local traffic at each intersection, while the other aims to optimize global traffic throughput. We evaluate our method using real-world traffic data collected from an Asian country's traffic cameras. Despite the inclusion of a global agent, our solution remains decentralized as this agent is no longer necessary during the inference stage. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of MOMA-DDPG, outperforming state-of-the-art methods across all performance metrics. Additionally, our proposed system minimizes both waiting time and carbon emissions. Notably, this paper is the first to link carbon emissions and global agents in traffic signal control.

6.A Smooth Binary Mechanism for Efficient Private Continual Observation

Authors:Joel Daniel Andersson, Rasmus Pagh

Abstract: In privacy under continual observation we study how to release differentially private estimates based on a dataset that evolves over time. The problem of releasing private prefix sums of $x_1,x_2,x_3,\dots \in\{0,1\}$ (where the value of each $x_i$ is to be private) is particularly well-studied, and a generalized form is used in state-of-the-art methods for private stochastic gradient descent (SGD). The seminal binary mechanism privately releases the first $t$ prefix sums with noise of variance polylogarithmic in $t$. Recently, Henzinger et al. and Denisov et al. showed that it is possible to improve on the binary mechanism in two ways: The variance of the noise can be reduced by a (large) constant factor, and also made more even across time steps. However, their algorithms for generating the noise distribution are not as efficient as one would like in terms of computation time and (in particular) space. We address the efficiency problem by presenting a simple alternative to the binary mechanism in which 1) generating the noise takes constant average time per value, 2) the variance is reduced by a factor about 4 compared to the binary mechanism, and 3) the noise distribution at each step is identical. Empirically, a simple Python implementation of our approach outperforms the running time of the approach of Henzinger et al., as well as an attempt to improve their algorithm using high-performance algorithms for multiplication with Toeplitz matrices.

7.Multi-Classification using One-versus-One Deep Learning Strategy with Joint Probability Estimates

Authors:Anthony Hei-Long Chan, Raymond HonFu Chan, Lingjia Dai

Abstract: The One-versus-One (OvO) strategy is an approach of multi-classification models which focuses on training binary classifiers between each pair of classes. While the OvO strategy takes advantage of balanced training data, the classification accuracy is usually hindered by the voting mechanism to combine all binary classifiers. In this paper, a novel OvO multi-classification model incorporating a joint probability measure is proposed under the deep learning framework. In the proposed model, a two-stage algorithm is developed to estimate the class probability from the pairwise binary classifiers. Given the binary classifiers, the pairwise probability estimate is calibrated by a distance measure on the separating feature hyperplane. From that, the class probability of the subject is estimated by solving a joint probability-based distance minimization problem. Numerical experiments in different applications show that the proposed model achieves generally higher classification accuracy than other state-of-the-art models.

8.Multi-View Class Incremental Learning

Authors:Depeng Li, Tianqi Wang, Junwei Chen, Kenji Kawaguchi, Cheng Lian, Zhigang Zeng

Abstract: Multi-view learning (MVL) has gained great success in integrating information from multiple perspectives of a dataset to improve downstream task performance. To make MVL methods more practical in an open-ended environment, this paper investigates a novel paradigm called multi-view class incremental learning (MVCIL), where a single model incrementally classifies new classes from a continual stream of views, requiring no access to earlier views of data. However, MVCIL is challenged by the catastrophic forgetting of old information and the interference with learning new concepts. To address this, we first develop a randomization-based representation learning technique serving for feature extraction to guarantee their separate view-optimal working states, during which multiple views belonging to a class are presented sequentially; Then, we integrate them one by one in the orthogonality fusion subspace spanned by the extracted features; Finally, we introduce selective weight consolidation for learning-without-forgetting decision-making while encountering new classes. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of our approach.

9.Collapsed Inference for Bayesian Deep Learning

Authors:Zhe Zeng, Guy Van den Broeck

Abstract: Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) provide a formalism to quantify and calibrate uncertainty in deep learning. Current inference approaches for BNNs often resort to few-sample estimation for scalability, which can harm predictive performance, while its alternatives tend to be computationally prohibitively expensive. We tackle this challenge by revealing a previously unseen connection between inference on BNNs and volume computation problems. With this observation, we introduce a novel collapsed inference scheme that performs Bayesian model averaging using collapsed samples. It improves over a Monte-Carlo sample by limiting sampling to a subset of the network weights while pairing it with some closed-form conditional distribution over the rest. A collapsed sample represents uncountably many models drawn from the approximate posterior and thus yields higher sample efficiency. Further, we show that the marginalization of a collapsed sample can be solved analytically and efficiently despite the non-linearity of neural networks by leveraging existing volume computation solvers. Our proposed use of collapsed samples achieves a balance between scalability and accuracy. On various regression and classification tasks, our collapsed Bayesian deep learning approach demonstrates significant improvements over existing methods and sets a new state of the art in terms of uncertainty estimation as well as predictive performance.

10.A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Deep Few-Shot Meta Learning

Authors:Minyoung Kim, Timothy Hospedales

Abstract: We propose a novel hierarchical Bayesian model for learning with a large (possibly infinite) number of tasks/episodes, which suits well the few-shot meta learning problem. We consider episode-wise random variables to model episode-specific target generative processes, where these local random variables are governed by a higher-level global random variate. The global variable helps memorize the important information from historic episodes while controlling how much the model needs to be adapted to new episodes in a principled Bayesian manner. Within our model framework, the prediction on a novel episode/task can be seen as a Bayesian inference problem. However, a main obstacle in learning with a large/infinite number of local random variables in online nature, is that one is not allowed to store the posterior distribution of the current local random variable for frequent future updates, typical in conventional variational inference. We need to be able to treat each local variable as a one-time iterate in the optimization. We propose a Normal-Inverse-Wishart model, for which we show that this one-time iterate optimization becomes feasible due to the approximate closed-form solutions for the local posterior distributions. The resulting algorithm is more attractive than the MAML in that it is not required to maintain computational graphs for the whole gradient optimization steps per episode. Our approach is also different from existing Bayesian meta learning methods in that unlike dealing with a single random variable for the whole episodes, our approach has a hierarchical structure that allows one-time episodic optimization, desirable for principled Bayesian learning with many/infinite tasks. The code is available at \url{}.

11.Reducing Computational Costs in Sentiment Analysis: Tensorized Recurrent Networks vs. Recurrent Networks

Authors:Gabriel Lopez, Anna Nguyen, Joe Kaul

Abstract: Anticipating audience reaction towards a certain text is integral to several facets of society ranging from politics, research, and commercial industries. Sentiment analysis (SA) is a useful natural language processing (NLP) technique that utilizes lexical/statistical and deep learning methods to determine whether different-sized texts exhibit positive, negative, or neutral emotions. Recurrent networks are widely used in machine-learning communities for problems with sequential data. However, a drawback of models based on Long-Short Term Memory networks and Gated Recurrent Units is the significantly high number of parameters, and thus, such models are computationally expensive. This drawback is even more significant when the available data are limited. Also, such models require significant over-parameterization and regularization to achieve optimal performance. Tensorized models represent a potential solution. In this paper, we classify the sentiment of some social media posts. We compare traditional recurrent models with their tensorized version, and we show that with the tensorized models, we reach comparable performances with respect to the traditional models while using fewer resources for the training.

12.Representation and decomposition of functions in DAG-DNNs and structural network pruning

Authors:Wen-Liang Hwang

Abstract: The conclusions provided by deep neural networks (DNNs) must be carefully scrutinized to determine whether they are universal or architecture dependent. The term DAG-DNN refers to a graphical representation of a DNN in which the architecture is expressed as a direct-acyclic graph (DAG), on which arcs are associated with functions. The level of a node denotes the maximum number of hops between the input node and the node of interest. In the current study, we demonstrate that DAG-DNNs can be used to derive all functions defined on various sub-architectures of the DNN. We also demonstrate that the functions defined in a DAG-DNN can be derived via a sequence of lower-triangular matrices, each of which provides the transition of functions defined in sub-graphs up to nodes at a specified level. The lifting structure associated with lower-triangular matrices makes it possible to perform the structural pruning of a network in a systematic manner. The fact that decomposition is universally applicable to all DNNs means that network pruning could theoretically be applied to any DNN, regardless of the underlying architecture. We demonstrate that it is possible to obtain the winning ticket (sub-network and initialization) for a weak version of the lottery ticket hypothesis, based on the fact that the sub-network with initialization can achieve training performance on par with that of the original network using the same number of iterations or fewer.

13.Semi-Offline Reinforcement Learning for Optimized Text Generation

Authors:Changyu Chen, Xiting Wang, Yiqiao Jin, Victor Ye Dong, Li Dong, Jie Cao, Yi Liu, Rui Yan

Abstract: In reinforcement learning (RL), there are two major settings for interacting with the environment: online and offline. Online methods explore the environment at significant time cost, and offline methods efficiently obtain reward signals by sacrificing exploration capability. We propose semi-offline RL, a novel paradigm that smoothly transits from offline to online settings, balances exploration capability and training cost, and provides a theoretical foundation for comparing different RL settings. Based on the semi-offline formulation, we present the RL setting that is optimal in terms of optimization cost, asymptotic error, and overfitting error bound. Extensive experiments show that our semi-offline approach is efficient and yields comparable or often better performance compared with state-of-the-art methods.

14.Stabilized Neural Differential Equations for Learning Constrained Dynamics

Authors:Alistair White, Niki Kilbertus, Maximilian Gelbrecht, Niklas Boers

Abstract: Many successful methods to learn dynamical systems from data have recently been introduced. However, assuring that the inferred dynamics preserve known constraints, such as conservation laws or restrictions on the allowed system states, remains challenging. We propose stabilized neural differential equations (SNDEs), a method to enforce arbitrary manifold constraints for neural differential equations. Our approach is based on a stabilization term that, when added to the original dynamics, renders the constraint manifold provably asymptotically stable. Due to its simplicity, our method is compatible with all common neural ordinary differential equation (NODE) models and broadly applicable. In extensive empirical evaluations, we demonstrate that SNDEs outperform existing methods while extending the scope of which types of constraints can be incorporated into NODE training.

15.Meta Generative Flow Networks with Personalization for Task-Specific Adaptation

Authors:Xinyuan Ji, Xu Zhang, Wei Xi, Haozhi Wang, Olga Gadyatskaya, Yinchuan Li

Abstract: Multi-task reinforcement learning and meta-reinforcement learning have been developed to quickly adapt to new tasks, but they tend to focus on tasks with higher rewards and more frequent occurrences, leading to poor performance on tasks with sparse rewards. To address this issue, GFlowNets can be integrated into meta-learning algorithms (GFlowMeta) by leveraging the advantages of GFlowNets on tasks with sparse rewards. However, GFlowMeta suffers from performance degradation when encountering heterogeneous transitions from distinct tasks. To overcome this challenge, this paper proposes a personalized approach named pGFlowMeta, which combines task-specific personalized policies with a meta policy. Each personalized policy balances the loss on its personalized task and the difference from the meta policy, while the meta policy aims to minimize the average loss of all tasks. The theoretical analysis shows that the algorithm converges at a sublinear rate. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms in discrete environments.

16.Automatic Trade-off Adaptation in Offline RL

Authors:Phillip Swazinna, Steffen Udluft, Thomas Runkler

Abstract: Recently, offline RL algorithms have been proposed that remain adaptive at runtime. For example, the LION algorithm \cite{lion} provides the user with an interface to set the trade-off between behavior cloning and optimality w.r.t. the estimated return at runtime. Experts can then use this interface to adapt the policy behavior according to their preferences and find a good trade-off between conservatism and performance optimization. Since expert time is precious, we extend the methodology with an autopilot that automatically finds the correct parameterization of the trade-off, yielding a new algorithm which we term AutoLION.

17.Temporal Difference Learning with Experience Replay

Authors:Han-Dong Lim, Donghwan Lee

Abstract: Temporal-difference (TD) learning is widely regarded as one of the most popular algorithms in reinforcement learning (RL). Despite its widespread use, it has only been recently that researchers have begun to actively study its finite time behavior, including the finite time bound on mean squared error and sample complexity. On the empirical side, experience replay has been a key ingredient in the success of deep RL algorithms, but its theoretical effects on RL have yet to be fully understood. In this paper, we present a simple decomposition of the Markovian noise terms and provide finite-time error bounds for TD-learning with experience replay. Specifically, under the Markovian observation model, we demonstrate that for both the averaged iterate and final iterate cases, the error term induced by a constant step-size can be effectively controlled by the size of the replay buffer and the mini-batch sampled from the experience replay buffer.

18.Fedstellar: A Platform for Decentralized Federated Learning

Authors:Enrique Tomás Martínez Beltrán, Ángel Luis Perales Gómez, Chao Feng, Pedro Miguel Sánchez Sánchez, Sergio López Bernal, Gérôme Bovet, Manuel Gil Pérez, Gregorio Martínez Pérez, Alberto Huertas Celdrán

Abstract: In 2016, Google proposed Federated Learning (FL) as a novel paradigm to train Machine Learning (ML) models across the participants of a federation while preserving data privacy. Since its birth, Centralized FL (CFL) has been the most used approach, where a central entity aggregates participants' models to create a global one. However, CFL presents limitations such as communication bottlenecks, single point of failure, and reliance on a central server. Decentralized Federated Learning (DFL) addresses these issues by enabling decentralized model aggregation and minimizing dependency on a central entity. Despite these advances, current platforms training DFL models struggle with key issues such as managing heterogeneous federation network topologies. To overcome these challenges, this paper presents Fedstellar, a novel platform designed to train FL models in a decentralized, semi-decentralized, and centralized fashion across diverse federations of physical or virtualized devices. The Fedstellar implementation encompasses a web application with an interactive graphical interface, a controller for deploying federations of nodes using physical or virtual devices, and a core deployed on each device which provides the logic needed to train, aggregate, and communicate in the network. The effectiveness of the platform has been demonstrated in two scenarios: a physical deployment involving single-board devices such as Raspberry Pis for detecting cyberattacks, and a virtualized deployment comparing various FL approaches in a controlled environment using MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets. In both scenarios, Fedstellar demonstrated consistent performance and adaptability, achieving F1 scores of 91%, 98%, and 91.2% using DFL for detecting cyberattacks and classifying MNIST and CIFAR-10, respectively, reducing training time by 32% compared to centralized approaches.

19.Using Machine Learning Methods for Automation of Size Grid Building and Management

Authors:Salim Yunus, Dries Benoit, Filipa Peleja

Abstract: Fashion apparel companies require planning for the next season, a year in advance for supply chain management. This study focuses on size selection decision making for Levi Strauss. Currently, the region and planning group level size grids are built and managed manually. The company suffers from the workload it creates for sizing, merchant and planning teams. This research is aiming to answer two research questions: "Which sizes should be available to the planners under each size grid name for the next season(s)?" and "Which sizes should be adopted for each planning group for the next season(s)?". We approach to the problem with a classification model, which is one of the popular models used in machine learning. With this research, a more automated process was created by using machine learning techniques. A decrease in workload of the teams in the company is expected after it is put into practice. Unlike many studies in the state of art for fashion and apparel industry, this study focuses on sizes where the stock keeping unit represents a product with a certain size.

20.Gradient is All You Need?

Authors:Konstantin Riedl, Timo Klock, Carina Geldhauser, Massimo Fornasier

Abstract: In this paper we provide a novel analytical perspective on the theoretical understanding of gradient-based learning algorithms by interpreting consensus-based optimization (CBO), a recently proposed multi-particle derivative-free optimization method, as a stochastic relaxation of gradient descent. Remarkably, we observe that through communication of the particles, CBO exhibits a stochastic gradient descent (SGD)-like behavior despite solely relying on evaluations of the objective function. The fundamental value of such link between CBO and SGD lies in the fact that CBO is provably globally convergent to global minimizers for ample classes of nonsmooth and nonconvex objective functions, hence, on the one side, offering a novel explanation for the success of stochastic relaxations of gradient descent. On the other side, contrary to the conventional wisdom for which zero-order methods ought to be inefficient or not to possess generalization abilities, our results unveil an intrinsic gradient descent nature of such heuristics. This viewpoint furthermore complements previous insights into the working principles of CBO, which describe the dynamics in the mean-field limit through a nonlinear nonlocal partial differential equation that allows to alleviate complexities of the nonconvex function landscape. Our proofs leverage a completely nonsmooth analysis, which combines a novel quantitative version of the Laplace principle (log-sum-exp trick) and the minimizing movement scheme (proximal iteration). In doing so, we furnish useful and precise insights that explain how stochastic perturbations of gradient descent overcome energy barriers and reach deep levels of nonconvex functions. Instructive numerical illustrations support the provided theoretical insights.

21.Understanding Deep Generative Models with Generalized Empirical Likelihoods

Authors:Suman Ravuri, Mélanie Rey, Shakir Mohamed, Marc Deisenroth

Abstract: Understanding how well a deep generative model captures a distribution of high-dimensional data remains an important open challenge. It is especially difficult for certain model classes, such as Generative Adversarial Networks and Diffusion Models, whose models do not admit exact likelihoods. In this work, we demonstrate that generalized empirical likelihood (GEL) methods offer a family of diagnostic tools that can identify many deficiencies of deep generative models (DGMs). We show, with appropriate specification of moment conditions, that the proposed method can identify which modes have been dropped, the degree to which DGMs are mode imbalanced, and whether DGMs sufficiently capture intra-class diversity. We show how to combine techniques from Maximum Mean Discrepancy and Generalized Empirical Likelihood to create not only distribution tests that retain per-sample interpretability, but also metrics that include label information. We find that such tests predict the degree of mode dropping and mode imbalance up to 60% better than metrics such as improved precision/recall.

22.Dynamic Decision Tree Ensembles for Energy-Efficient Inference on IoT Edge Nodes

Authors:Francesco Daghero, Alessio Burrello, Enrico Macii, Paolo Montuschi, Massimo Poncino, Daniele Jahier Pagliari

Abstract: With the increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, there is a growing need for energy-efficient Machine Learning (ML) models that can run on constrained edge nodes. Decision tree ensembles, such as Random Forests (RFs) and Gradient Boosting (GBTs), are particularly suited for this task, given their relatively low complexity compared to other alternatives. However, their inference time and energy costs are still significant for edge hardware. Given that said costs grow linearly with the ensemble size, this paper proposes the use of dynamic ensembles, that adjust the number of executed trees based both on a latency/energy target and on the complexity of the processed input, to trade-off computational cost and accuracy. We focus on deploying these algorithms on multi-core low-power IoT devices, designing a tool that automatically converts a Python ensemble into optimized C code, and exploring several optimizations that account for the available parallelism and memory hierarchy. We extensively benchmark both static and dynamic RFs and GBTs on three state-of-the-art IoT-relevant datasets, using an 8-core ultra-lowpower System-on-Chip (SoC), GAP8, as the target platform. Thanks to the proposed early-stopping mechanisms, we achieve an energy reduction of up to 37.9% with respect to static GBTs (8.82 uJ vs 14.20 uJ per inference) and 41.7% with respect to static RFs (2.86 uJ vs 4.90 uJ per inference), without losing accuracy compared to the static model.

23.GPINN: Physics-informed Neural Network with Graph Embedding

Authors:Yuyang Miao, Haolin Li

Abstract: This work proposes a Physics-informed Neural Network framework with Graph Embedding (GPINN) to perform PINN in graph, i.e. topological space instead of traditional Euclidean space, for improved problem-solving efficiency. The method integrates topological data into the neural network's computations, which significantly boosts the performance of the Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN). The graph embedding technique infuses extra dimensions into the input space to encapsulate the spatial characteristics of a graph while preserving the properties of the original space. The selection of these extra dimensions is guided by the Fiedler vector, offering an optimised pathologic notation of the graph. Two case studies are conducted, which demonstrate significant improvement in the performance of GPINN in comparison to traditional PINN, particularly in its superior ability to capture physical features of the solution.

24.$\pi2\text{vec}$: Policy Representations with Successor Features

Authors:Gianluca Scarpellini, Ksenia Konyushkova, Claudio Fantacci, Tom Le Paine, Yutian Chen, Misha Denil

Abstract: This paper describes $\pi2\text{vec}$, a method for representing behaviors of black box policies as feature vectors. The policy representations capture how the statistics of foundation model features change in response to the policy behavior in a task agnostic way, and can be trained from offline data, allowing them to be used in offline policy selection. This work provides a key piece of a recipe for fusing together three modern lines of research: Offline policy evaluation as a counterpart to offline RL, foundation models as generic and powerful state representations, and efficient policy selection in resource constrained environments.

25.Framework and Benchmarks for Combinatorial and Mixed-variable Bayesian Optimization

Authors:Kamil Dreczkowski, Antoine Grosnit, Haitham Bou Ammar

Abstract: This paper introduces a modular framework for Mixed-variable and Combinatorial Bayesian Optimization (MCBO) to address the lack of systematic benchmarking and standardized evaluation in the field. Current MCBO papers often introduce non-diverse or non-standard benchmarks to evaluate their methods, impeding the proper assessment of different MCBO primitives and their combinations. Additionally, papers introducing a solution for a single MCBO primitive often omit benchmarking against baselines that utilize the same methods for the remaining primitives. This omission is primarily due to the significant implementation overhead involved, resulting in a lack of controlled assessments and an inability to showcase the merits of a contribution effectively. To overcome these challenges, our proposed framework enables an effortless combination of Bayesian Optimization components, and provides a diverse set of synthetic and real-world benchmarking tasks. Leveraging this flexibility, we implement 47 novel MCBO algorithms and benchmark them against seven existing MCBO solvers and five standard black-box optimization algorithms on ten tasks, conducting over 4000 experiments. Our findings reveal a superior combination of MCBO primitives outperforming existing approaches and illustrate the significance of model fit and the use of a trust region. We make our MCBO library available under the MIT license at \url{}.

26.Sample-Efficient On-Policy Imitation Learning from Observations

Authors:João A. Cândido Ramos, Lionel Blondé, Naoya Takeishi, Alexandros Kalousis

Abstract: Imitation learning from demonstrations (ILD) aims to alleviate numerous shortcomings of reinforcement learning through the use of demonstrations. However, in most real-world applications, expert action guidance is absent, making the use of ILD impossible. Instead, we consider imitation learning from observations (ILO), where no expert actions are provided, making it a significantly more challenging problem to address. Existing methods often employ on-policy learning, which is known to be sample-costly. This paper presents SEILO, a novel sample-efficient on-policy algorithm for ILO, that combines standard adversarial imitation learning with inverse dynamics modeling. This approach enables the agent to receive feedback from both the adversarial procedure and a behavior cloning loss. We empirically demonstrate that our proposed algorithm requires fewer interactions with the environment to achieve expert performance compared to other state-of-the-art on-policy ILO and ILD methods.

27.Amortized Inference for Gaussian Process Hyperparameters of Structured Kernels

Authors:Matthias Bitzer, Mona Meister, Christoph Zimmer

Abstract: Learning the kernel parameters for Gaussian processes is often the computational bottleneck in applications such as online learning, Bayesian optimization, or active learning. Amortizing parameter inference over different datasets is a promising approach to dramatically speed up training time. However, existing methods restrict the amortized inference procedure to a fixed kernel structure. The amortization network must be redesigned manually and trained again in case a different kernel is employed, which leads to a large overhead in design time and training time. We propose amortizing kernel parameter inference over a complete kernel-structure-family rather than a fixed kernel structure. We do that via defining an amortization network over pairs of datasets and kernel structures. This enables fast kernel inference for each element in the kernel family without retraining the amortization network. As a by-product, our amortization network is able to do fast ensembling over kernel structures. In our experiments, we show drastically reduced inference time combined with competitive test performance for a large set of kernels and datasets.

28.Building Blocks for a Complex-Valued Transformer Architecture

Authors:Florian Eilers, Xiaoyi Jiang

Abstract: Most deep learning pipelines are built on real-valued operations to deal with real-valued inputs such as images, speech or music signals. However, a lot of applications naturally make use of complex-valued signals or images, such as MRI or remote sensing. Additionally the Fourier transform of signals is complex-valued and has numerous applications. We aim to make deep learning directly applicable to these complex-valued signals without using projections into $\mathbb{R}^2$. Thus we add to the recent developments of complex-valued neural networks by presenting building blocks to transfer the transformer architecture to the complex domain. We present multiple versions of a complex-valued Scaled Dot-Product Attention mechanism as well as a complex-valued layer normalization. We test on a classification and a sequence generation task on the MusicNet dataset and show improved robustness to overfitting while maintaining on-par performance when compared to the real-valued transformer architecture.

29.Wasserstein distributional robustness of neural networks

Authors:Xingjian Bai, Guangyi He, Yifan Jiang, Jan Obloj

Abstract: Deep neural networks are known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks (AA). For an image recognition task, this means that a small perturbation of the original can result in the image being misclassified. Design of such attacks as well as methods of adversarial training against them are subject of intense research. We re-cast the problem using techniques of Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization (DRO) and obtain novel contributions leveraging recent insights from DRO sensitivity analysis. We consider a set of distributional threat models. Unlike the traditional pointwise attacks, which assume a uniform bound on perturbation of each input data point, distributional threat models allow attackers to perturb inputs in a non-uniform way. We link these more general attacks with questions of out-of-sample performance and Knightian uncertainty. To evaluate the distributional robustness of neural networks, we propose a first-order AA algorithm and its multi-step version. Our attack algorithms include Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) and Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) as special cases. Furthermore, we provide a new asymptotic estimate of the adversarial accuracy against distributional threat models. The bound is fast to compute and first-order accurate, offering new insights even for the pointwise AA. It also naturally yields out-of-sample performance guarantees. We conduct numerical experiments on the CIFAR-10 dataset using DNNs on RobustBench to illustrate our theoretical results. Our code is available at

30.Practical Sharpness-Aware Minimization Cannot Converge All the Way to Optima

Authors:Dongkuk Si, Chulhee Yun

Abstract: Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) is an optimizer that takes a descent step based on the gradient at a perturbation $y_t = x_t + \rho \frac{\nabla f(x_t)}{\lVert \nabla f(x_t) \rVert}$ of the current point $x_t$. Existing studies prove convergence of SAM for smooth functions, but they do so by assuming decaying perturbation size $\rho$ and/or no gradient normalization in $y_t$, which is detached from practice. To address this gap, we study deterministic/stochastic versions of SAM with practical configurations (i.e., constant $\rho$ and gradient normalization in $y_t$) and explore their convergence properties on smooth functions with (non)convexity assumptions. Perhaps surprisingly, in many scenarios, we find out that SAM has limited capability to converge to global minima or stationary points. For smooth strongly convex functions, we show that while deterministic SAM enjoys tight global convergence rates of $\tilde \Theta(\frac{1}{T^2})$, the convergence bound of stochastic SAM suffers an inevitable additive term $O(\rho^2)$, indicating convergence only up to neighborhoods of optima. In fact, such $O(\rho^2)$ factors arise for stochastic SAM in all the settings we consider, and also for deterministic SAM in nonconvex cases; importantly, we prove by examples that such terms are unavoidable. Our results highlight vastly different characteristics of SAM with vs. without decaying perturbation size or gradient normalization, and suggest that the intuitions gained from one version may not apply to the other.

31.Transferability of Winning Lottery Tickets in Neural Network Differential Equation Solvers

Authors:Edward Prideaux-Ghee

Abstract: Recent work has shown that renormalisation group theory is a useful framework with which to describe the process of pruning neural networks via iterative magnitude pruning. This report formally describes the link between RG theory and IMP and extends previous results around the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis and Elastic Lottery Hypothesis to Hamiltonian Neural Networks for solving differential equations. We find lottery tickets for two Hamiltonian Neural Networks and demonstrate transferability between the two systems, with accuracy being dependent on integration times. The universality of the two systems is then analysed using tools from an RG perspective.

32.Uncertainty Quantification via Spatial-Temporal Tweedie Model for Zero-inflated and Long-tail Travel Demand Prediction

Authors:Xinke Jiang, Dingyi Zhuang, Xianghui Zhang, Hao Chen, Jiayuan Luo, Xiaowei Gao

Abstract: crucial for transportation management. However, traditional spatial-temporal deep learning models grapple with addressing the sparse and long-tail characteristics in high-resolution O-D matrices and quantifying prediction uncertainty. This dilemma arises from the numerous zeros and over-dispersed demand patterns within these matrices, which challenge the Gaussian assumption inherent to deterministic deep learning models. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach: the Spatial-Temporal Tweedie Graph Neural Network (STTD). The STTD introduces the Tweedie distribution as a compelling alternative to the traditional 'zero-inflated' model and leverages spatial and temporal embeddings to parameterize travel demand distributions. Our evaluations using real-world datasets highlight STTD's superiority in providing accurate predictions and precise confidence intervals, particularly in high-resolution scenarios.

33.Jumanji: a Diverse Suite of Scalable Reinforcement Learning Environments in JAX

Authors:Clément Bonnet, Daniel Luo, Donal Byrne, Shikha Surana, Vincent Coyette, Paul Duckworth, Laurence I. Midgley, Tristan Kalloniatis, Sasha Abramowitz, Cemlyn N. Waters, Andries P. Smit, Nathan Grinsztajn, Ulrich A. Mbou Sob, Omayma Mahjoub, Elshadai Tegegn, Mohamed A. Mimouni, Raphael Boige, Ruan de Kock, Daniel Furelos-Blanco, Victor Le, Arnu Pretorius, Alexandre Laterre

Abstract: Open-source reinforcement learning (RL) environments have played a crucial role in driving progress in the development of AI algorithms. In modern RL research, there is a need for simulated environments that are performant, scalable, and modular to enable their utilization in a wider range of potential real-world applications. Therefore, we present Jumanji, a suite of diverse RL environments specifically designed to be fast, flexible, and scalable. Jumanji provides a suite of environments focusing on combinatorial problems frequently encountered in industry, as well as challenging general decision-making tasks. By leveraging the efficiency of JAX and hardware accelerators like GPUs and TPUs, Jumanji enables rapid iteration of research ideas and large-scale experimentation, ultimately empowering more capable agents. Unlike existing RL environment suites, Jumanji is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the initial state distribution and problem complexity to their needs. Furthermore, we provide actor-critic baselines for each environment, accompanied by preliminary findings on scaling and generalization scenarios. Jumanji aims to set a new standard for speed, adaptability, and scalability of RL environments.

34.Studying Generalization on Memory-Based Methods in Continual Learning

Authors:Felipe del Rio, Julio Hurtado, Cristian Buc, Alvaro Soto, Vincenzo Lomonaco

Abstract: One of the objectives of Continual Learning is to learn new concepts continually over a stream of experiences and at the same time avoid catastrophic forgetting. To mitigate complete knowledge overwriting, memory-based methods store a percentage of previous data distributions to be used during training. Although these methods produce good results, few studies have tested their out-of-distribution generalization properties, as well as whether these methods overfit the replay memory. In this work, we show that although these methods can help in traditional in-distribution generalization, they can strongly impair out-of-distribution generalization by learning spurious features and correlations. Using a controlled environment, the Synbol benchmark generator (Lacoste et al., 2020), we demonstrate that this lack of out-of-distribution generalization mainly occurs in the linear classifier.

35.LabelBench: A Comprehensive Framework for Benchmarking Label-Efficient Learning

Authors:Jifan Zhang, Yifang Chen, Gregory Canal, Stephen Mussmann, Yinglun Zhu, Simon Shaolei Du, Kevin Jamieson, Robert D Nowak

Abstract: Labeled data are critical to modern machine learning applications, but obtaining labels can be expensive. To mitigate this cost, machine learning methods, such as transfer learning, semi-supervised learning and active learning, aim to be label-efficient: achieving high predictive performance from relatively few labeled examples. While obtaining the best label-efficiency in practice often requires combinations of these techniques, existing benchmark and evaluation frameworks do not capture a concerted combination of all such techniques. This paper addresses this deficiency by introducing LabelBench, a new computationally-efficient framework for joint evaluation of multiple label-efficient learning techniques. As an application of LabelBench, we introduce a novel benchmark of state-of-the-art active learning methods in combination with semi-supervised learning for fine-tuning pretrained vision transformers. Our benchmark demonstrates better label-efficiencies than previously reported in active learning. LabelBench's modular codebase is open-sourced for the broader community to contribute label-efficient learning methods and benchmarks. The repository can be found at:

36.Towards Quantum Federated Learning

Authors:Chao Ren, Han Yu, Rudai Yan, Minrui Xu, Yuan Shen, Huihui Zhu, Dusit Niyato, Zhao Yang Dong, Leong Chuan Kwek

Abstract: Quantum Federated Learning (QFL) is an emerging interdisciplinary field that merges the principles of Quantum Computing (QC) and Federated Learning (FL), with the goal of leveraging quantum technologies to enhance privacy, security, and efficiency in the learning process. Currently, there is no comprehensive survey for this interdisciplinary field. This review offers a thorough, holistic examination of QFL. We aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles, techniques, and emerging applications of QFL. We discuss the current state of research in this rapidly evolving field, identify challenges and opportunities associated with integrating these technologies, and outline future directions and open research questions. We propose a unique taxonomy of QFL techniques, categorized according to their characteristics and the quantum techniques employed. As the field of QFL continues to progress, we can anticipate further breakthroughs and applications across various industries, driving innovation and addressing challenges related to data privacy, security, and resource optimization. This review serves as a first-of-its-kind comprehensive guide for researchers and practitioners interested in understanding and advancing the field of QFL.

37.Drag-guided diffusion models for vehicle image generation

Authors:Nikos Arechiga, Frank Permenter, Binyang Song, Chenyang Yuan

Abstract: Denoising diffusion models trained at web-scale have revolutionized image generation. The application of these tools to engineering design is an intriguing possibility, but is currently limited by their inability to parse and enforce concrete engineering constraints. In this paper, we take a step towards this goal by proposing physics-based guidance, which enables optimization of a performance metric (as predicted by a surrogate model) during the generation process. As a proof-of-concept, we add drag guidance to Stable Diffusion, which allows this tool to generate images of novel vehicles while simultaneously minimizing their predicted drag coefficients.

38.You Don't Need Robust Machine Learning to Manage Adversarial Attack Risks

Authors:Edward Raff, Michel Benaroch, Andrew L. Farris

Abstract: The robustness of modern machine learning (ML) models has become an increasing concern within the community. The ability to subvert a model into making errant predictions using seemingly inconsequential changes to input is startling, as is our lack of success in building models robust to this concern. Existing research shows progress, but current mitigations come with a high cost and simultaneously reduce the model's accuracy. However, such trade-offs may not be necessary when other design choices could subvert the risk. In this survey we review the current literature on attacks and their real-world occurrences, or limited evidence thereof, to critically evaluate the real-world risks of adversarial machine learning (AML) for the average entity. This is done with an eye toward how one would then mitigate these attacks in practice, the risks for production deployment, and how those risks could be managed. In doing so we elucidate that many AML threats do not warrant the cost and trade-offs of robustness due to a low likelihood of attack or availability of superior non-ML mitigations. Our analysis also recommends cases where an actor should be concerned about AML to the degree where robust ML models are necessary for a complete deployment.

39.Training shallow ReLU networks on noisy data using hinge loss: when do we overfit and is it benign?

Authors:Erin George, Michael Murray, William Swartworth, Deanna Needell

Abstract: We study benign overfitting in two-layer ReLU networks trained using gradient descent and hinge loss on noisy data for binary classification. In particular, we consider linearly separable data for which a relatively small proportion of labels are corrupted or flipped. We identify conditions on the margin of the clean data that give rise to three distinct training outcomes: benign overfitting, in which zero loss is achieved and with high probability test data is classified correctly; overfitting, in which zero loss is achieved but test data is misclassified with probability lower bounded by a constant; and non-overfitting, in which clean points, but not corrupt points, achieve zero loss and again with high probability test data is classified correctly. Our analysis provides a fine-grained description of the dynamics of neurons throughout training and reveals two distinct phases: in the first phase clean points achieve close to zero loss, in the second phase clean points oscillate on the boundary of zero loss while corrupt points either converge towards zero loss or are eventually zeroed by the network. We prove these results using a combinatorial approach that involves bounding the number of clean versus corrupt updates across these phases of training.

40.Enhancing Fault Resilience of QNNs by Selective Neuron Splitting

Authors:Mohammad Hasan Ahmadilivani, Mahdi Taheri, Jaan Raik, Masoud Daneshtalab, Maksim Jenihhin

Abstract: The superior performance of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has led to their application in various aspects of human life. Safety-critical applications are no exception and impose rigorous reliability requirements on DNNs. Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs) have emerged to tackle the complexity of DNN accelerators, however, they are more prone to reliability issues. In this paper, a recent analytical resilience assessment method is adapted for QNNs to identify critical neurons based on a Neuron Vulnerability Factor (NVF). Thereafter, a novel method for splitting the critical neurons is proposed that enables the design of a Lightweight Correction Unit (LCU) in the accelerator without redesigning its computational part. The method is validated by experiments on different QNNs and datasets. The results demonstrate that the proposed method for correcting the faults has a twice smaller overhead than a selective Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) while achieving a similar level of fault resiliency.

41.Creating Multi-Level Skill Hierarchies in Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Joshua B. Evans, Özgür Şimşek

Abstract: What is a useful skill hierarchy for an autonomous agent? We propose an answer based on the graphical structure of an agent's interaction with its environment. Our approach uses hierarchical graph partitioning to expose the structure of the graph at varying timescales, producing a skill hierarchy with multiple levels of abstraction. At each level of the hierarchy, skills move the agent between regions of the state space that are well connected within themselves but weakly connected to each other. We illustrate the utility of the proposed skill hierarchy in a wide variety of domains in the context of reinforcement learning.

42.Evaluating Superhuman Models with Consistency Checks

Authors:Lukas Fluri, Daniel Paleka, Florian Tramèr

Abstract: If machine learning models were to achieve superhuman abilities at various reasoning or decision-making tasks, how would we go about evaluating such models, given that humans would necessarily be poor proxies for ground truth? In this paper, we propose a framework for evaluating superhuman models via consistency checks. Our premise is that while the correctness of superhuman decisions may be impossible to evaluate, we can still surface mistakes if the model's decisions fail to satisfy certain logical, human-interpretable rules. We instantiate our framework on three tasks where correctness of decisions is hard to evaluate due to either superhuman model abilities, or to otherwise missing ground truth: evaluating chess positions, forecasting future events, and making legal judgments. We show that regardless of a model's (possibly superhuman) performance on these tasks, we can discover logical inconsistencies in decision making. For example: a chess engine assigning opposing valuations to semantically identical boards; GPT-4 forecasting that sports records will evolve non-monotonically over time; or an AI judge assigning bail to a defendant only after we add a felony to their criminal record.

43.Ensemble Framework for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction

Authors:Achyut Tiwari, Aryan Chugh, Aman Sharma

Abstract: Heart disease is the major cause of non-communicable and silent death worldwide. Heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases are classified into four types: coronary heart disease, heart failure, congenital heart disease, and cardiomyopathy. It is vital to diagnose heart disease early and accurately in order to avoid further injury and save patients' lives. As a result, we need a system that can predict cardiovascular disease before it becomes a critical situation. Machine learning has piqued the interest of researchers in the field of medical sciences. For heart disease prediction, researchers implement a variety of machine learning methods and approaches. In this work, to the best of our knowledge, we have used the dataset from IEEE Data Port which is one of the online available largest datasets for cardiovascular diseases individuals. The dataset isa combination of Hungarian, Cleveland, Long Beach VA, Switzerland & Statlog datasets with important features such as Maximum Heart Rate Achieved, Serum Cholesterol, Chest Pain Type, Fasting blood sugar, and so on. To assess the efficacy and strength of the developed model, several performance measures are used, such as ROC, AUC curve, specificity, F1-score, sensitivity, MCC, and accuracy. In this study, we have proposed a framework with a stacked ensemble classifier using several machine learning algorithms including ExtraTrees Classifier, Random Forest, XGBoost, and so on. Our proposed framework attained an accuracy of 92.34% which is higher than the existing literature.

44.Fairness in Preference-based Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Umer Siddique, Abhinav Sinha, Yongcan Cao

Abstract: In this paper, we address the issue of fairness in preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL) in the presence of multiple objectives. The main objective is to design control policies that can optimize multiple objectives while treating each objective fairly. Toward this objective, we design a new fairness-induced preference-based reinforcement learning or FPbRL. The main idea of FPbRL is to learn vector reward functions associated with multiple objectives via new welfare-based preferences rather than reward-based preference in PbRL, coupled with policy learning via maximizing a generalized Gini welfare function. Finally, we provide experiment studies on three different environments to show that the proposed FPbRL approach can achieve both efficiency and equity for learning effective and fair policies.

45.Just One Byte (per gradient): A Note on Low-Bandwidth Decentralized Language Model Finetuning Using Shared Randomness

Authors:Eric Zelikman, Qian Huang, Percy Liang, Nick Haber, Noah D. Goodman

Abstract: Language model training in distributed settings is limited by the communication cost of gradient exchanges. In this short note, we extend recent work from Malladi et al. (2023), using shared randomness to perform distributed fine-tuning with low bandwidth. The method is a natural decentralized extension of memory-efficient Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA). Each iteration, each machine seeds a Random Number Generator (RNG) to perform local reproducible perturbations on model weights and calculate and exchange scalar projected gradients, which are then used to update each model. By using a (machine, sample) identifier as the random seed, each model can regenerate one another's perturbations. As machines only exchange single-byte projected gradients, this is highly communication efficient. There are also potential privacy benefits, as projected gradients may be calculated on different training data, and models never access the other's data. Our approach not only drastically reduces communication bandwidth requirements but also accommodates dynamic addition or removal of machines during the training process and retains the memory-efficient and inference-only advantages of recent work. We perform proof-of-concept experiments to demonstrate the potential usefulness of this method, building off of rich literature on distributed optimization and memory-efficient training.