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Machine Learning (cs.LG)

Mon, 05 Jun 2023

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1.Explore and Exploit the Diverse Knowledge in Model Zoo for Domain Generalization

Authors:Yimeng Chen, Tianyang Hu, Fengwei Zhou, Zhenguo Li, Zhiming Ma

Abstract: The proliferation of pretrained models, as a result of advancements in pretraining techniques, has led to the emergence of a vast zoo of publicly available models. Effectively utilizing these resources to obtain models with robust out-of-distribution generalization capabilities for downstream tasks has become a crucial area of research. Previous research has primarily focused on identifying the most powerful models within the model zoo, neglecting to fully leverage the diverse inductive biases contained within. This paper argues that the knowledge contained in weaker models is valuable and presents a method for leveraging the diversity within the model zoo to improve out-of-distribution generalization capabilities. Specifically, we investigate the behaviors of various pretrained models across different domains of downstream tasks by characterizing the variations in their encoded representations in terms of two dimensions: diversity shift and correlation shift. This characterization enables us to propose a new algorithm for integrating diverse pretrained models, not limited to the strongest models, in order to achieve enhanced out-of-distribution generalization performance. Our proposed method demonstrates state-of-the-art empirical results on a variety of datasets, thus validating the benefits of utilizing diverse knowledge.

2.Aiming towards the minimizers: fast convergence of SGD for overparametrized problems

Authors:Chaoyue Liu, Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, Mikhail Belkin, Damek Davis, Yi-An Ma

Abstract: Modern machine learning paradigms, such as deep learning, occur in or close to the interpolation regime, wherein the number of model parameters is much larger than the number of data samples. In this work, we propose a regularity condition within the interpolation regime which endows the stochastic gradient method with the same worst-case iteration complexity as the deterministic gradient method, while using only a single sampled gradient (or a minibatch) in each iteration. In contrast, all existing guarantees require the stochastic gradient method to take small steps, thereby resulting in a much slower linear rate of convergence. Finally, we demonstrate that our condition holds when training sufficiently wide feedforward neural networks with a linear output layer.

3.Permutation Decision Trees

Authors:Harikrishnan N B, Nithin Nagaraj

Abstract: Decision Tree is a well understood Machine Learning model that is based on minimizing impurities in the internal nodes. The most common impurity measures are Shannon entropy and Gini impurity. These impurity measures are insensitive to the order of training data and hence the final tree obtained is invariant to any permutation of the data. This leads to a serious limitation in modeling data instances that have order dependencies. In this work, we propose the use of Effort-To-Compress (ETC) - a complexity measure, for the first time, as an impurity measure. Unlike Shannon entropy and Gini impurity, structural impurity based on ETC is able to capture order dependencies in the data, thus obtaining potentially different decision trees for different permutations of the same data instances (Permutation Decision Trees). We then introduce the notion of Permutation Bagging achieved using permutation decision trees without the need for random feature selection and sub-sampling. We compare the performance of the proposed permutation bagged decision trees with Random Forests. Our model does not assume that the data instances are independent and identically distributed. Potential applications include scenarios where a temporal order present in the data instances is to be respected.

4.Enhance Diffusion to Improve Robust Generalization

Authors:Jianhui Sun, Sanchit Sinha, Aidong Zhang

Abstract: Deep neural networks are susceptible to human imperceptible adversarial perturbations. One of the strongest defense mechanisms is \emph{Adversarial Training} (AT). In this paper, we aim to address two predominant problems in AT. First, there is still little consensus on how to set hyperparameters with a performance guarantee for AT research, and customized settings impede a fair comparison between different model designs in AT research. Second, the robustly trained neural networks struggle to generalize well and suffer from tremendous overfitting. This paper focuses on the primary AT framework - Projected Gradient Descent Adversarial Training (PGD-AT). We approximate the dynamic of PGD-AT by a continuous-time Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE), and show that the diffusion term of this SDE determines the robust generalization. An immediate implication of this theoretical finding is that robust generalization is positively correlated with the ratio between learning rate and batch size. We further propose a novel approach, \emph{Diffusion Enhanced Adversarial Training} (DEAT), to manipulate the diffusion term to improve robust generalization with virtually no extra computational burden. We theoretically show that DEAT obtains a tighter generalization bound than PGD-AT. Our empirical investigation is extensive and firmly attests that DEAT universally outperforms PGD-AT by a significant margin.

5.What Makes Entities Similar? A Similarity Flooding Perspective for Multi-sourced Knowledge Graph Embeddings

Authors:Zequn Sun, Jiacheng Huang, Xiaozhou Xu, Qijin Chen, Weijun Ren, Wei Hu

Abstract: Joint representation learning over multi-sourced knowledge graphs (KGs) yields transferable and expressive embeddings that improve downstream tasks. Entity alignment (EA) is a critical step in this process. Despite recent considerable research progress in embedding-based EA, how it works remains to be explored. In this paper, we provide a similarity flooding perspective to explain existing translation-based and aggregation-based EA models. We prove that the embedding learning process of these models actually seeks a fixpoint of pairwise similarities between entities. We also provide experimental evidence to support our theoretical analysis. We propose two simple but effective methods inspired by the fixpoint computation in similarity flooding, and demonstrate their effectiveness on benchmark datasets. Our work bridges the gap between recent embedding-based models and the conventional similarity flooding algorithm. It would improve our understanding of and increase our faith in embedding-based EA.

6.Evaluating robustness of support vector machines with the Lagrangian dual approach

Authors:Yuting Liu, Hong Gu, Pan Qin

Abstract: Adversarial examples bring a considerable security threat to support vector machines (SVMs), especially those used in safety-critical applications. Thus, robustness verification is an essential issue for SVMs, which can provide provable robustness against various kinds of adversary attacks. The evaluation results obtained through the robustness verification can provide a safe guarantee for the use of SVMs. The existing verification method does not often perform well in verifying SVMs with nonlinear kernels. To this end, we propose a method to improve the verification performance for SVMs with nonlinear kernels. We first formalize the adversarial robustness evaluation of SVMs as an optimization problem. Then a lower bound of the original problem is obtained by solving the Lagrangian dual problem of the original problem. Finally, the adversarial robustness of SVMs is evaluated concerning the lower bound. We evaluate the adversarial robustness of SVMs with linear and nonlinear kernels on the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets. The experimental results show that the percentage of provable robustness obtained by our method on the test set is better than that of the state-of-the-art.

7.Towards Anytime Classification in Early-Exit Architectures by Enforcing Conditional Monotonicity

Authors:Metod Jazbec, James Urquhart Allingham, Dan Zhang, Eric Nalisnick

Abstract: Modern predictive models are often deployed to environments in which computational budgets are dynamic. Anytime algorithms are well-suited to such environments as, at any point during computation, they can output a prediction whose quality is a function of computation time. Early-exit neural networks have garnered attention in the context of anytime computation due to their capability to provide intermediate predictions at various stages throughout the network. However, we demonstrate that current early-exit networks are not directly applicable to anytime settings, as the quality of predictions for individual data points is not guaranteed to improve with longer computation. To address this shortcoming, we propose an elegant post-hoc modification, based on the Product-of-Experts, that encourages an early-exit network to become gradually confident. This gives our deep models the property of conditional monotonicity in the prediction quality -- an essential stepping stone towards truly anytime predictive modeling using early-exit architectures. Our empirical results on standard image-classification tasks demonstrate that such behaviors can be achieved while preserving competitive accuracy on average.

8.Faster Training of Diffusion Models and Improved Density Estimation via Parallel Score Matching

Authors:Etrit Haxholli, Marco Lorenzi

Abstract: In Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs), the task of modeling the score evolution via a single time-dependent neural network necessitates extended training periods and may potentially impede modeling flexibility and capacity. To counteract these challenges, we propose leveraging the independence of learning tasks at different time points inherent to DPMs. More specifically, we partition the learning task by utilizing independent networks, each dedicated to learning the evolution of scores within a specific time sub-interval. Further, inspired by residual flows, we extend this strategy to its logical conclusion by employing separate networks to independently model the score at each individual time point. As empirically demonstrated on synthetic and image datasets, our approach not only significantly accelerates the training process by introducing an additional layer of parallelization atop data parallelization, but it also enhances density estimation performance when compared to the conventional training methodology for DPMs.

9.Structure-free Graph Condensation: From Large-scale Graphs to Condensed Graph-free Data

Authors:Xin Zheng, Miao Zhang, Chunyang Chen, Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen, Xingquan Zhu, Shirui Pan

Abstract: Graph condensation, which reduces the size of a large-scale graph by synthesizing a small-scale condensed graph as its substitution, has immediate benefits for various graph learning tasks. However, existing graph condensation methods rely on the joint optimization of nodes and structures in the condensed graph, and overlook critical issues in effectiveness and generalization ability. In this paper, we advocate a new Structure-Free Graph Condensation paradigm, named SFGC, to distill a large-scale graph into a small-scale graph node set without explicit graph structures, i.e., graph-free data. Our idea is to implicitly encode topology structure information into the node attributes in the synthesized graph-free data, whose topology is reduced to an identity matrix. Specifically, SFGC contains two collaborative components: (1) a training trajectory meta-matching scheme for effectively synthesizing small-scale graph-free data; (2) a graph neural feature score metric for dynamically evaluating the quality of the condensed data. Through training trajectory meta-matching, SFGC aligns the long-term GNN learning behaviors between the large-scale graph and the condensed small-scale graph-free data, ensuring comprehensive and compact transfer of informative knowledge to the graph-free data. Afterward, the underlying condensed graph-free data would be dynamically evaluated with the graph neural feature score, which is a closed-form metric for ensuring the excellent expressiveness of the condensed graph-free data. Extensive experiments verify the superiority of SFGC across different condensation ratios.

10.A Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning Approach for Kernel methods

Authors:Anika Hannemann, Ali Burak Ünal, Arjhun Swaminathan, Erik Buchmann, Mete Akgün

Abstract: It is challenging to implement Kernel methods, if the data sources are distributed and cannot be joined at a trusted third party for privacy reasons. It is even more challenging, if the use case rules out privacy-preserving approaches that introduce noise. An example for such a use case is machine learning on clinical data. To realize exact privacy preserving computation of kernel methods, we propose FLAKE, a Federated Learning Approach for KErnel methods on horizontally distributed data. With FLAKE, the data sources mask their data so that a centralized instance can compute a Gram matrix without compromising privacy. The Gram matrix allows to calculate many kernel matrices, which can be used to train kernel-based machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines. We prove that FLAKE prevents an adversary from learning the input data or the number of input features under a semi-honest threat model. Experiments on clinical and synthetic data confirm that FLAKE is outperforming the accuracy and efficiency of comparable methods. The time needed to mask the data and to compute the Gram matrix is several orders of magnitude less than the time a Support Vector Machine needs to be trained. Thus, FLAKE can be applied to many use cases.

11.Predicting malaria dynamics in Burundi using deep Learning Models

Authors:Daxelle Sakubu, Kelly Joelle Gatore Sinigirira, David Niyukuri

Abstract: Malaria continues to be a major public health problem on the African continent, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nonetheless, efforts are ongoing, and significant progress has been made. In Burundi, malaria is among the main public health concerns. In the literature, there are limited prediction models for Burundi. We know that such tools are much needed for interventions design. In our study, we built machine-learning based models to estimates malaria cases in Burundi. The forecast was carried out at province level, allowing us to estimate malaria cases on a national scale as well. Long short term memory (LSTM) model, a type of deep learning model has been used to achieve best results using climate-change related factors such as temperature, rainfal, and relative humidity, together with malaria historical data and human population. The results showed that at country level different tuning of parameters can be used in order to determine the minimum and maximum expected malaria

12.Meta-SAGE: Scale Meta-Learning Scheduled Adaptation with Guided Exploration for Mitigating Scale Shift on Combinatorial Optimization

Authors:Jiwoo Son, Minsu Kim, Hyeonah Kim, Jinkyoo Park

Abstract: This paper proposes Meta-SAGE, a novel approach for improving the scalability of deep reinforcement learning models for combinatorial optimization (CO) tasks. Our method adapts pre-trained models to larger-scale problems in test time by suggesting two components: a scale meta-learner (SML) and scheduled adaptation with guided exploration (SAGE). First, SML transforms the context embedding for subsequent adaptation of SAGE based on scale information. Then, SAGE adjusts the model parameters dedicated to the context embedding for a specific instance. SAGE introduces locality bias, which encourages selecting nearby locations to determine the next location. The locality bias gradually decays as the model is adapted to the target instance. Results show that Meta-SAGE outperforms previous adaptation methods and significantly improves scalability in representative CO tasks. Our source code is available at

13.Solving NP-hard Min-max Routing Problems as Sequential Generation with Equity Context

Authors:Jiwoo Son, Minsu Kim, Sanghyeok Choi, Jinkyoo Park

Abstract: Min-max routing problems aim to minimize the maximum tour length among agents as they collaboratively visit all cities, i.e., the completion time. These problems include impactful real-world applications but are known as NP-hard. Existing methods are facing challenges, particularly in large-scale problems that require the coordination of numerous agents to cover thousands of cities. This paper proposes a new deep-learning framework to solve large-scale min-max routing problems. We model the simultaneous decision-making of multiple agents as a sequential generation process, allowing the utilization of scalable deep-learning models for sequential decision-making. In the sequentially approximated problem, we propose a scalable contextual Transformer model, Equity-Transformer, which generates sequential actions considering an equitable workload among other agents. The effectiveness of Equity-Transformer is demonstrated through its superior performance in two representative min-max routing tasks: the min-max multiple traveling salesman problem (min-max mTSP) and the min-max multiple pick-up and delivery problem (min-max mPDP). Notably, our method achieves significant reductions of runtime, approximately 335 times, and cost values of about 53% compared to a competitive heuristic (LKH3) in the case of 100 vehicles with 1,000 cities of mTSP. We provide reproducible source code:

14.Unlocking the Potential of Federated Learning for Deeper Models

Authors:Haolin Wang, Xuefeng Liu, Jianwei Niu, Shaojie Tang, Jiaxing Shen

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a new paradigm for distributed machine learning that allows a global model to be trained across multiple clients without compromising their privacy. Although FL has demonstrated remarkable success in various scenarios, recent studies mainly utilize shallow and small neural networks. In our research, we discover a significant performance decline when applying the existing FL framework to deeper neural networks, even when client data are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.). Our further investigation shows that the decline is due to the continuous accumulation of dissimilarities among client models during the layer-by-layer back-propagation process, which we refer to as "divergence accumulation." As deeper models involve a longer chain of divergence accumulation, they tend to manifest greater divergence, subsequently leading to performance decline. Both theoretical derivations and empirical evidence are proposed to support the existence of divergence accumulation and its amplified effects in deeper models. To address this issue, we propose several technical guidelines based on reducing divergence, such as using wider models and reducing the receptive field. These approaches can greatly improve the accuracy of FL on deeper models. For example, the application of these guidelines can boost the ResNet101 model's performance by as much as 43\% on the Tiny-ImageNet dataset.

15.Comparative Study on Semi-supervised Learning Applied for Anomaly Detection in Hydraulic Condition Monitoring System

Authors:Yongqi Dong, Kejia Chen, Zhiyuan Ma

Abstract: Condition-based maintenance is becoming increasingly important in hydraulic systems. However, anomaly detection for these systems remains challenging, especially since that anomalous data is scarce and labeling such data is tedious and even dangerous. Therefore, it is advisable to make use of unsupervised or semi-supervised methods, especially for semi-supervised learning which utilizes unsupervised learning as a feature extraction mechanism to aid the supervised part when only a small number of labels are available. This study systematically compares semi-supervised learning methods applied for anomaly detection in hydraulic condition monitoring systems. Firstly, thorough data analysis and feature learning were carried out to understand the open-sourced hydraulic condition monitoring dataset. Then, various methods were implemented and evaluated including traditional stand-alone semi-supervised learning models (e.g., one-class SVM, Robust Covariance), ensemble models (e.g., Isolation Forest), and deep neural network based models (e.g., autoencoder, Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machine (HELM)). Typically, this study customized and implemented an extreme learning machine based semi-supervised HELM model and verified its superiority over other semi-supervised methods. Extensive experiments show that the customized HELM model obtained state-of-the-art performance with the highest accuracy (99.5%), the lowest false positive rate (0.015), and the best F1-score (0.985) beating other semi-supervised methods.

16.Gibbs Sampling the Posterior of Neural Networks

Authors:Giovanni Piccioli, Emanuele Troiani, Lenka Zdeborová

Abstract: In this paper, we study sampling from a posterior derived from a neural network. We propose a new probabilistic model consisting of adding noise at every pre- and post-activation in the network, arguing that the resulting posterior can be sampled using an efficient Gibbs sampler. The Gibbs sampler attains similar performances as the state-of-the-art Monte Carlo Markov chain methods, such as the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo or the Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm, both on real and synthetic data. By framing our analysis in the teacher-student setting, we introduce a thermalization criterion that allows us to detect when an algorithm, when run on data with synthetic labels, fails to sample from the posterior. The criterion is based on the fact that in the teacher-student setting we can initialize an algorithm directly at equilibrium.

17.Enhanced Distribution Modelling via Augmented Architectures For Neural ODE Flows

Authors:Etrit Haxholli, Marco Lorenzi

Abstract: While the neural ODE formulation of normalizing flows such as in FFJORD enables us to calculate the determinants of free form Jacobians in O(D) time, the flexibility of the transformation underlying neural ODEs has been shown to be suboptimal. In this paper, we present AFFJORD, a neural ODE-based normalizing flow which enhances the representation power of FFJORD by defining the neural ODE through special augmented transformation dynamics which preserve the topology of the space. Furthermore, we derive the Jacobian determinant of the general augmented form by generalizing the chain rule in the continuous sense into the Cable Rule, which expresses the forward sensitivity of ODEs with respect to their initial conditions. The cable rule gives an explicit expression for the Jacobian of a neural ODE transformation, and provides an elegant proof of the instantaneous change of variable. Our experimental results on density estimation in synthetic and high dimensional data, such as MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CelebA 32x32, show that AFFJORD outperforms the baseline FFJORD through the improved flexibility of the underlying vector field.

18.A Large-Scale Study of Probabilistic Calibration in Neural Network Regression

Authors:Victor Dheur, Souhaib Ben Taieb

Abstract: Accurate probabilistic predictions are essential for optimal decision making. While neural network miscalibration has been studied primarily in classification, we investigate this in the less-explored domain of regression. We conduct the largest empirical study to date to assess the probabilistic calibration of neural networks. We also analyze the performance of recalibration, conformal, and regularization methods to enhance probabilistic calibration. Additionally, we introduce novel differentiable recalibration and regularization methods, uncovering new insights into their effectiveness. Our findings reveal that regularization methods offer a favorable tradeoff between calibration and sharpness. Post-hoc methods exhibit superior probabilistic calibration, which we attribute to the finite-sample coverage guarantee of conformal prediction. Furthermore, we demonstrate that quantile recalibration can be considered as a specific case of conformal prediction. Our study is fully reproducible and implemented in a common code base for fair comparisons.

19.Tackling Non-Stationarity in Reinforcement Learning via Causal-Origin Representation

Authors:Wanpeng Zhang, Yilin Li, Boyu Yang, Zongqing Lu

Abstract: In real-world scenarios, the application of reinforcement learning is significantly challenged by complex non-stationarity. Most existing methods attempt to model the changes of the environment explicitly, often requiring impractical prior knowledge. In this paper, we propose a new perspective, positing that non-stationarity can propagate and accumulate through complex causal relationships during state transitions, thereby compounding its sophistication and affecting policy learning. We believe that this challenge can be more effectively addressed by tracing the causal origin of non-stationarity. To this end, we introduce the Causal-Origin REPresentation (COREP) algorithm. COREP primarily employs a guided updating mechanism to learn a stable graph representation for states termed as causal-origin representation. By leveraging this representation, the learned policy exhibits impressive resilience to non-stationarity. We supplement our approach with a theoretical analysis grounded in the causal interpretation for non-stationary reinforcement learning, advocating for the validity of the causal-origin representation. Experimental results further demonstrate the superior performance of COREP over existing methods in tackling non-stationarity.

20.A survey of Generative AI Applications

Authors:Roberto Gozalo-Brizuela, Eduardo C. Garrido-Merchán

Abstract: Generative AI has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, leading to a wide array of applications across diverse domains. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of more than 350 generative AI applications, providing a structured taxonomy and concise descriptions of various unimodal and even multimodal generative AIs. The survey is organized into sections, covering a wide range of unimodal generative AI applications such as text, images, video, gaming and brain information. Our survey aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners to navigate the rapidly expanding landscape of generative AI, facilitating a better understanding of the current state-of-the-art and fostering further innovation in the field.

21.Navigating Explanatory Multiverse Through Counterfactual Path Geometry

Authors:Kacper Sokol, Edward Small, Yueqing Xuan

Abstract: Counterfactual explanations are the de facto standard when tasked with interpreting decisions of (opaque) predictive models. Their generation is often subject to algorithmic and domain-specific constraints -- such as density-based feasibility for the former and attribute (im)mutability or directionality of change for the latter -- that aim to maximise their real-life utility. In addition to desiderata with respect to the counterfactual instance itself, the existence of a viable path connecting it with the factual data point, known as algorithmic recourse, has become an important technical consideration. While both of these requirements ensure that the steps of the journey as well as its destination are admissible, current literature neglects the multiplicity of such counterfactual paths. To address this shortcoming we introduce the novel concept of explanatory multiverse that encompasses all the possible counterfactual journeys and shows how to navigate, reason about and compare the geometry of these paths -- their affinity, branching, divergence and possible future convergence -- with two methods: vector spaces and graphs. Implementing this (interactive) explanatory process grants explainees more agency by allowing them to select counterfactuals based on the properties of the journey leading to them in addition to their absolute differences.

22.A Data-driven Region Generation Framework for Spatiotemporal Transportation Service Management

Authors:Liyue Chen, Jiangyi Fang, Zhe Yu, Yongxin Tong, Shaosheng Cao, Leye Wang

Abstract: MAUP (modifiable areal unit problem) is a fundamental problem for spatial data management and analysis. As an instantiation of MAUP in online transportation platforms, region generation (i.e., specifying the areal unit for service operations) is the first and vital step for supporting spatiotemporal transportation services such as ride-sharing and freight transport. Most existing region generation methods are manually specified (e.g., fixed-size grids), suffering from poor spatial semantic meaning and inflexibility to meet service operation requirements. In this paper, we propose RegionGen, a data-driven region generation framework that can specify regions with key characteristics (e.g., good spatial semantic meaning and predictability) by modeling region generation as a multi-objective optimization problem. First, to obtain good spatial semantic meaning, RegionGen segments the whole city into atomic spatial elements based on road networks and obstacles (e.g., rivers). Then, it clusters the atomic spatial elements into regions by maximizing various operation characteristics, which is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. For this optimization problem, we propose a multi-objective co-optimization algorithm. Extensive experiments verify that RegionGen can generate more suitable regions than traditional methods for spatiotemporal service management.

23.On Tail Decay Rate Estimation of Loss Function Distributions

Authors:Etrit Haxholli, Marco Lorenzi

Abstract: The study of loss function distributions is critical to characterize a model's behaviour on a given machine learning problem. For example, while the quality of a model is commonly determined by the average loss assessed on a testing set, this quantity does not reflect the existence of the true mean of the loss distribution. Indeed, the finiteness of the statistical moments of the loss distribution is related to the thickness of its tails, which are generally unknown. Since typical cross-validation schemes determine a family of testing loss distributions conditioned on the training samples, the total loss distribution must be recovered by marginalizing over the space of training sets. As we show in this work, the finiteness of the sampling procedure negatively affects the reliability and efficiency of classical tail estimation methods from the Extreme Value Theory, such as the Peaks-Over-Threshold approach. In this work we tackle this issue by developing a novel general theory for estimating the tails of marginal distributions, when there exists a large variability between locations of the individual conditional distributions underlying the marginal. To this end, we demonstrate that under some regularity conditions, the shape parameter of the marginal distribution is the maximum tail shape parameter of the family of conditional distributions. We term this estimation approach as Cross Tail Estimation (CTE). We test cross-tail estimation in a series of experiments on simulated and real data, showing the improved robustness and quality of tail estimation as compared to classical approaches, and providing evidence for the relationship between overfitting and loss distribution tail thickness.

24.Deep Active Learning with Structured Neural Depth Search

Authors:Xiaoyun Zhang, Xieyi Ping, Jianwei Zhang

Abstract: Previous work optimizes traditional active learning (AL) processes with incremental neural network architecture search (Active-iNAS) based on data complexity change, which improves the accuracy and learning efficiency. However, Active-iNAS trains several models and selects the model with the best generalization performance for querying the subsequent samples after each active learning cycle. The independent training processes lead to an insufferable computational budget, which is significantly inefficient and limits search flexibility and final performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel active strategy with the method called structured variational inference (SVI) or structured neural depth search (SNDS) whereby we could use the gradient descent method in neural network depth search during AL processes. At the same time, we theoretically demonstrate that the current VI-based methods based on the mean-field assumption could lead to poor performance. We apply our strategy using three querying techniques and three datasets and show that our strategy outperforms current methods.

25.MultiAdam: Parameter-wise Scale-invariant Optimizer for Multiscale Training of Physics-informed Neural Networks

Authors:Jiachen Yao, Chang Su, Zhongkai Hao, Songming Liu, Hang Su, Jun Zhu

Abstract: Physics-informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have recently achieved remarkable progress in solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in various fields by minimizing a weighted sum of PDE loss and boundary loss. However, there are several critical challenges in the training of PINNs, including the lack of theoretical frameworks and the imbalance between PDE loss and boundary loss. In this paper, we present an analysis of second-order non-homogeneous PDEs, which are classified into three categories and applicable to various common problems. We also characterize the connections between the training loss and actual error, guaranteeing convergence under mild conditions. The theoretical analysis inspires us to further propose MultiAdam, a scale-invariant optimizer that leverages gradient momentum to parameter-wisely balance the loss terms. Extensive experiment results on multiple problems from different physical domains demonstrate that our MultiAdam solver can improve the predictive accuracy by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared with strong baselines.

26.Discovering Dynamic Causal Space for DAG Structure Learning

Authors:Fangfu Liu, Wenchang Ma, An Zhang, Xiang Wang, Yueqi Duan, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Discovering causal structure from purely observational data (i.e., causal discovery), aiming to identify causal relationships among variables, is a fundamental task in machine learning. The recent invention of differentiable score-based DAG learners is a crucial enabler, which reframes the combinatorial optimization problem into a differentiable optimization with a DAG constraint over directed graph space. Despite their great success, these cutting-edge DAG learners incorporate DAG-ness independent score functions to evaluate the directed graph candidates, lacking in considering graph structure. As a result, measuring the data fitness alone regardless of DAG-ness inevitably leads to discovering suboptimal DAGs and model vulnerabilities. Towards this end, we propose a dynamic causal space for DAG structure learning, coined CASPER, that integrates the graph structure into the score function as a new measure in the causal space to faithfully reflect the causal distance between estimated and ground truth DAG. CASPER revises the learning process as well as enhances the DAG structure learning via adaptive attention to DAG-ness. Grounded by empirical visualization, CASPER, as a space, satisfies a series of desired properties, such as structure awareness and noise robustness. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets clearly validate the superiority of our CASPER over the state-of-the-art causal discovery methods in terms of accuracy and robustness.

27.COMET: Learning Cardinality Constrained Mixture of Experts with Trees and Local Search

Authors:Shibal Ibrahim, Wenyu Chen, Hussein Hazimeh, Natalia Ponomareva, Zhe Zhao, Rahul Mazumder

Abstract: The sparse Mixture-of-Experts (Sparse-MoE) framework efficiently scales up model capacity in various domains, such as natural language processing and vision. Sparse-MoEs select a subset of the "experts" (thus, only a portion of the overall network) for each input sample using a sparse, trainable gate. Existing sparse gates are prone to convergence and performance issues when training with first-order optimization methods. In this paper, we introduce two improvements to current MoE approaches. First, we propose a new sparse gate: COMET, which relies on a novel tree-based mechanism. COMET is differentiable, can exploit sparsity to speed up computation, and outperforms state-of-the-art gates. Second, due to the challenging combinatorial nature of sparse expert selection, first-order methods are typically prone to low-quality solutions. To deal with this challenge, we propose a novel, permutation-based local search method that can complement first-order methods in training any sparse gate, e.g., Hash routing, Top-k, DSelect-k, and COMET. We show that local search can help networks escape bad initializations or solutions. We performed large-scale experiments on various domains, including recommender systems, vision, and natural language processing. On standard vision and recommender systems benchmarks, COMET+ (COMET with local search) achieves up to 13% improvement in ROC AUC over popular gates, e.g., Hash routing and Top-k, and up to 9% over prior differentiable gates e.g., DSelect-k. When Top-k and Hash gates are combined with local search, we see up to $100\times$ reduction in the budget needed for hyperparameter tuning. Moreover, for language modeling, our approach improves over the state-of-the-art MoEBERT model for distilling BERT on 5/7 GLUE benchmarks as well as SQuAD dataset.

28.Computational Complexity of Detecting Proximity to Losslessly Compressible Neural Network Parameters

Authors:Matthew Farrugia-Roberts The University of Melbourne

Abstract: To better understand complexity in neural networks, we theoretically investigate the idealised phenomenon of lossless network compressibility, whereby an identical function can be implemented with a smaller network. We give an efficient formal algorithm for optimal lossless compression in the setting of single-hidden-layer hyperbolic tangent networks. To measure lossless compressibility, we define the rank of a parameter as the minimum number of hidden units required to implement the same function. Losslessly compressible parameters are atypical, but their existence has implications for nearby parameters. We define the proximate rank of a parameter as the rank of the most compressible parameter within a small $L^\infty$ neighbourhood. Unfortunately, detecting nearby losslessly compressible parameters is not so easy: we show that bounding the proximate rank is an NP-complete problem, using a reduction from Boolean satisfiability via a geometric problem involving covering points in the plane with small squares. These results underscore the computational complexity of measuring neural network complexity, laying a foundation for future theoretical and empirical work in this direction.

29.HireVAE: An Online and Adaptive Factor Model Based on Hierarchical and Regime-Switch VAE

Authors:Zikai Wei, Anyi Rao, Bo Dai, Dahua Lin

Abstract: Factor model is a fundamental investment tool in quantitative investment, which can be empowered by deep learning to become more flexible and efficient in practical complicated investing situations. However, it is still an open question to build a factor model that can conduct stock prediction in an online and adaptive setting, where the model can adapt itself to match the current market regime identified based on only point-in-time market information. To tackle this problem, we propose the first deep learning based online and adaptive factor model, HireVAE, at the core of which is a hierarchical latent space that embeds the underlying relationship between the market situation and stock-wise latent factors, so that HireVAE can effectively estimate useful latent factors given only historical market information and subsequently predict accurate stock returns. Across four commonly used real stock market benchmarks, the proposed HireVAE demonstrate superior performance in terms of active returns over previous methods, verifying the potential of such online and adaptive factor model.

30.Local Boosting for Weakly-Supervised Learning

Authors:Rongzhi Zhang, Yue Yu, Jiaming Shen, Xiquan Cui, Chao Zhang

Abstract: Boosting is a commonly used technique to enhance the performance of a set of base models by combining them into a strong ensemble model. Though widely adopted, boosting is typically used in supervised learning where the data is labeled accurately. However, in weakly supervised learning, where most of the data is labeled through weak and noisy sources, it remains nontrivial to design effective boosting approaches. In this work, we show that the standard implementation of the convex combination of base learners can hardly work due to the presence of noisy labels. Instead, we propose $\textit{LocalBoost}$, a novel framework for weakly-supervised boosting. LocalBoost iteratively boosts the ensemble model from two dimensions, i.e., intra-source and inter-source. The intra-source boosting introduces locality to the base learners and enables each base learner to focus on a particular feature regime by training new base learners on granularity-varying error regions. For the inter-source boosting, we leverage a conditional function to indicate the weak source where the sample is more likely to appear. To account for the weak labels, we further design an estimate-then-modify approach to compute the model weights. Experiments on seven datasets show that our method significantly outperforms vanilla boosting methods and other weakly-supervised methods.

31.Seizing Serendipity: Exploiting the Value of Past Success in Off-Policy Actor-Critic

Authors:Tianying Ji, Yu Luo, Fuchun Sun, Xianyuan Zhan, Jianwei Zhang, Huazhe Xu

Abstract: Learning high-quality Q-value functions plays a key role in the success of many modern off-policy deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. Previous works focus on addressing the value overestimation issue, an outcome of adopting function approximators and off-policy learning. Deviating from the common viewpoint, we observe that Q-values are indeed underestimated in the latter stage of the RL training process, primarily related to the use of inferior actions from the current policy in Bellman updates as compared to the more optimal action samples in the replay buffer. We hypothesize that this long-neglected phenomenon potentially hinders policy learning and reduces sample efficiency. Our insight to address this issue is to incorporate sufficient exploitation of past successes while maintaining exploration optimism. We propose the Blended Exploitation and Exploration (BEE) operator, a simple yet effective approach that updates Q-value using both historical best-performing actions and the current policy. The instantiations of our method in both model-free and model-based settings outperform state-of-the-art methods in various continuous control tasks and achieve strong performance in failure-prone scenarios and real-world robot tasks.

32.Learning Probabilistic Symmetrization for Architecture Agnostic Equivariance

Authors:Jinwoo Kim, Tien Dat Nguyen, Ayhan Suleymanzade, Hyeokjun An, Seunghoon Hong

Abstract: We present a novel framework to overcome the limitations of equivariant architectures in learning functions with group symmetries. In contrary to equivariant architectures, we use an arbitrary base model (such as an MLP or a transformer) and symmetrize it to be equivariant to the given group by employing a small equivariant network that parameterizes the probabilistic distribution underlying the symmetrization. The distribution is end-to-end trained with the base model which can maximize performance while reducing sample complexity of symmetrization. We show that this approach ensures not only equivariance to given group but also universal approximation capability in expectation. We implement our method on a simple patch-based transformer that can be initialized from pretrained vision transformers, and test it for a wide range of symmetry groups including permutation and Euclidean groups and their combinations. Empirical tests show competitive results against tailored equivariant architectures, suggesting the potential for learning equivariant functions for diverse groups using a non-equivariant universal base architecture. We further show evidence of enhanced learning in symmetric modalities, like graphs, when pretrained from non-symmetric modalities, like vision. Our implementation will be open-sourced at

33.Data-Driven Regret Balancing for Online Model Selection in Bandits

Authors:Aldo Pacchiano, Christoph Dann, Claudio Gentile

Abstract: We consider model selection for sequential decision making in stochastic environments with bandit feedback, where a meta-learner has at its disposal a pool of base learners, and decides on the fly which action to take based on the policies recommended by each base learner. Model selection is performed by regret balancing but, unlike the recent literature on this subject, we do not assume any prior knowledge about the base learners like candidate regret guarantees; instead, we uncover these quantities in a data-driven manner. The meta-learner is therefore able to leverage the realized regret incurred by each base learner for the learning environment at hand (as opposed to the expected regret), and single out the best such regret. We design two model selection algorithms operating with this more ambitious notion of regret and, besides proving model selection guarantees via regret balancing, we experimentally demonstrate the compelling practical benefits of dealing with actual regrets instead of candidate regret bounds.

34.Neuron Activation Coverage: Rethinking Out-of-distribution Detection and Generalization

Authors:Yibing Liu, Chris Xing Tian, Haoliang Li, Lei Ma, Shiqi Wang

Abstract: The out-of-distribution (OOD) problem generally arises when neural networks encounter data that significantly deviates from the training data distribution, \ie, in-distribution (InD). In this paper, we study the OOD problem from a neuron activation view. We first formulate neuron activation states by considering both the neuron output and its influence on model decisions. Then, we propose the concept of \textit{neuron activation coverage} (NAC), which characterizes the neuron behaviors under InD and OOD data. Leveraging our NAC, we show that 1) InD and OOD inputs can be naturally separated based on the neuron behavior, which significantly eases the OOD detection problem and achieves a record-breaking performance of 0.03% FPR95 on ResNet-50, outperforming the previous best method by 20.67%; 2) a positive correlation between NAC and model generalization ability consistently holds across architectures and datasets, which enables a NAC-based criterion for evaluating model robustness. By comparison with the traditional validation criterion, we show that NAC-based criterion not only can select more robust models, but also has a stronger correlation with OOD test performance.

35.Representational Strengths and Limitations of Transformers

Authors:Clayton Sanford, Daniel Hsu, Matus Telgarsky

Abstract: Attention layers, as commonly used in transformers, form the backbone of modern deep learning, yet there is no mathematical description of their benefits and deficiencies as compared with other architectures. In this work we establish both positive and negative results on the representation power of attention layers, with a focus on intrinsic complexity parameters such as width, depth, and embedding dimension. On the positive side, we present a sparse averaging task, where recurrent networks and feedforward networks all have complexity scaling polynomially in the input size, whereas transformers scale merely logarithmically in the input size; furthermore, we use the same construction to show the necessity and role of a large embedding dimension in a transformer. On the negative side, we present a triple detection task, where attention layers in turn have complexity scaling linearly in the input size; as this scenario seems rare in practice, we also present natural variants that can be efficiently solved by attention layers. The proof techniques emphasize the value of communication complexity in the analysis of transformers and related models, and the role of sparse averaging as a prototypical attention task, which even finds use in the analysis of triple detection.

36.Decentralized SGD and Average-direction SAM are Asymptotically Equivalent

Authors:Tongtian Zhu, Fengxiang He, Kaixuan Chen, Mingli Song, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Decentralized stochastic gradient descent (D-SGD) allows collaborative learning on massive devices simultaneously without the control of a central server. However, existing theories claim that decentralization invariably undermines generalization. In this paper, we challenge the conventional belief and present a completely new perspective for understanding decentralized learning. We prove that D-SGD implicitly minimizes the loss function of an average-direction Sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) algorithm under general non-convex non-$\beta$-smooth settings. This surprising asymptotic equivalence reveals an intrinsic regularization-optimization trade-off and three advantages of decentralization: (1) there exists a free uncertainty evaluation mechanism in D-SGD to improve posterior estimation; (2) D-SGD exhibits a gradient smoothing effect; and (3) the sharpness regularization effect of D-SGD does not decrease as total batch size increases, which justifies the potential generalization benefit of D-SGD over centralized SGD (C-SGD) in large-batch scenarios.

37.Improved Stability and Generalization Analysis of the Decentralized SGD Algorithm

Authors:Batiste Le Bars, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi

Abstract: This paper presents a new generalization error analysis for the Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent (D-SGD) algorithm based on algorithmic stability. The obtained results largely improve upon state-of-the-art results, and even invalidate their claims that the communication graph has a detrimental effect on generalization. For instance, we show that in convex settings, D-SGD has the same generalization bounds as the classical SGD algorithm, no matter the choice of graph. We exhibit that this counter-intuitive result comes from considering the average of local parameters, which hides a final global averaging step incompatible with the decentralized scenario. In light of this observation, we advocate to analyze the supremum over local parameters and show that in this case, the graph does have an impact on the generalization. Unlike prior results, our analysis yields non-vacuous bounds even for non-connected graphs.

38.Continual Learning with Pretrained Backbones by Tuning in the Input Space

Authors:Simone Marullo, Matteo Tiezzi, Marco Gori, Stefano Melacci, Tinne Tuytelaars

Abstract: The intrinsic difficulty in adapting deep learning models to non-stationary environments limits the applicability of neural networks to real-world tasks. This issue is critical in practical supervised learning settings, such as the ones in which a pre-trained model computes projections toward a latent space where different task predictors are sequentially learned over time. As a matter of fact, incrementally fine-tuning the whole model to better adapt to new tasks usually results in catastrophic forgetting, with decreasing performance over the past experiences and losing valuable knowledge from the pre-training stage. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to make the fine-tuning procedure more effective, by avoiding to update the pre-trained part of the network and learning not only the usual classification head, but also a set of newly-introduced learnable parameters that are responsible for transforming the input data. This process allows the network to effectively leverage the pre-training knowledge and find a good trade-off between plasticity and stability with modest computational efforts, thus especially suitable for on-the-edge settings. Our experiments on four image classification problems in a continual learning setting confirm the quality of the proposed approach when compared to several fine-tuning procedures and to popular continual learning methods.

39.Complex Preferences for Different Convergent Priors in Discrete Graph Diffusion

Authors:Alex M. Tseng, Nathaniel Diamant, Tommaso Biancalani, Gabriele Scalia

Abstract: Diffusion models have achieved state-of-the-art performance in generating many different kinds of data, including images, text, and videos. Despite their success, there has been limited research on how the underlying diffusion process and the final convergent prior can affect generative performance; this research has also been limited to continuous data types and a score-based diffusion framework. To fill this gap, we explore how different discrete diffusion kernels (which converge to different prior distributions) affect the performance of diffusion models for graphs. To this end, we developed a novel formulation of a family of discrete diffusion kernels which are easily adjustable to converge to different Bernoulli priors, and we study the effect of these different kernels on generative performance. We show that the quality of generated graphs is sensitive to the prior used, and that the optimal choice cannot be explained by obvious statistics or metrics, which challenges the intuitions which previous works have suggested.

40.Time Interpret: a Unified Model Interpretability Library for Time Series

Authors:Joseph Enguehard

Abstract: We introduce $\texttt{time_interpret}$, a library designed as an extension of Captum, with a specific focus on temporal data. As such, this library implements several feature attribution methods that can be used to explain predictions made by any Pytorch model. $\texttt{time_interpret}$ also provides several synthetic and real world time series datasets, various PyTorch models, as well as a set of methods to evaluate feature attributions. Moreover, while being primarily developed to explain predictions based on temporal data, some of its components have a different application, including for instance methods explaining predictions made by language models. In this paper, we give a general introduction of this library. We also present several previously unpublished feature attribution methods, which have been developed along with $\texttt{time_interpret}$.

41.Online Learning with Feedback Graphs: The True Shape of Regret

Authors:Tomáš Kocák, Alexandra Carpentier

Abstract: Sequential learning with feedback graphs is a natural extension of the multi-armed bandit problem where the problem is equipped with an underlying graph structure that provides additional information - playing an action reveals the losses of all the neighbors of the action. This problem was introduced by \citet{mannor2011} and received considerable attention in recent years. It is generally stated in the literature that the minimax regret rate for this problem is of order $\sqrt{\alpha T}$, where $\alpha$ is the independence number of the graph, and $T$ is the time horizon. However, this is proven only when the number of rounds $T$ is larger than $\alpha^3$, which poses a significant restriction for the usability of this result in large graphs. In this paper, we define a new quantity $R^*$, called the \emph{problem complexity}, and prove that the minimax regret is proportional to $R^*$ for any graph and time horizon $T$. Introducing an intricate exploration strategy, we define the \mainAlgorithm algorithm that achieves the minimax optimal regret bound and becomes the first provably optimal algorithm for this setting, even if $T$ is smaller than $\alpha^3$.

42.Over-the-Air Federated Learning in Satellite systems

Authors:Edward Akito Carlos, Raphael Pinard, Mitra Hassani

Abstract: Federated learning in satellites offers several advantages. Firstly, it ensures data privacy and security, as sensitive data remains on the satellites and is not transmitted to a central location. This is particularly important when dealing with sensitive or classified information. Secondly, federated learning allows satellites to collectively learn from a diverse set of data sources, benefiting from the distributed knowledge across the satellite network. Lastly, the use of federated learning reduces the communication bandwidth requirements between satellites and the central server, as only model updates are exchanged instead of raw data. By leveraging federated learning, satellites can collaborate and continuously improve their machine learning models while preserving data privacy and minimizing communication overhead. This enables the development of more intelligent and efficient satellite systems for various applications, such as Earth observation, weather forecasting, and space exploration.

43.Nonparametric Iterative Machine Teaching

Authors:Chen Zhang, Xiaofeng Cao, Weiyang Liu, Ivor Tsang, James Kwok

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of Iterative Machine Teaching (IMT), where the teacher provides examples to the learner iteratively such that the learner can achieve fast convergence to a target model. However, existing IMT algorithms are solely based on parameterized families of target models. They mainly focus on convergence in the parameter space, resulting in difficulty when the target models are defined to be functions without dependency on parameters. To address such a limitation, we study a more general task -- Nonparametric Iterative Machine Teaching (NIMT), which aims to teach nonparametric target models to learners in an iterative fashion. Unlike parametric IMT that merely operates in the parameter space, we cast NIMT as a functional optimization problem in the function space. To solve it, we propose both random and greedy functional teaching algorithms. We obtain the iterative teaching dimension (ITD) of the random teaching algorithm under proper assumptions, which serves as a uniform upper bound of ITD in NIMT. Further, the greedy teaching algorithm has a significantly lower ITD, which reaches a tighter upper bound of ITD in NIMT. Finally, we verify the correctness of our theoretical findings with extensive experiments in nonparametric scenarios.

44.Interval Load Forecasting for Individual Households in the Presence of Electric Vehicle Charging

Authors:Raiden Skala, Mohamed Ahmed T. A. Elgalhud, Katarina Grolinger, Syed Mir

Abstract: The transition to Electric Vehicles (EV) in place of traditional internal combustion engines is increasing societal demand for electricity. The ability to integrate the additional demand from EV charging into forecasting electricity demand is critical for maintaining the reliability of electricity generation and distribution. Load forecasting studies typically exclude households with home EV charging, focusing on offices, schools, and public charging stations. Moreover, they provide point forecasts which do not offer information about prediction uncertainty. Consequently, this paper proposes the Long Short-Term Memory Bayesian Neural Networks (LSTM-BNNs) for household load forecasting in presence of EV charging. The approach takes advantage of the LSTM model to capture the time dependencies and uses the dropout layer with Bayesian inference to generate prediction intervals. Results show that the proposed LSTM-BNNs achieve accuracy similar to point forecasts with the advantage of prediction intervals. Moreover, the impact of lockdowns related to the COVID-19 pandemic on the load forecasting model is examined, and the analysis shows that there is no major change in the model performance as, for the considered households, the randomness of the EV charging outweighs the change due to pandemic.

45.Quantification of Uncertainties in Deep Learning-based Environment Perception

Authors:Marco Braun, Moritz Luszek, Jan Siegemund, Kevin Kollek, Anton Kummert

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a novel Deep Learning-based method to perceive the environment of a vehicle based on radar scans while accounting for uncertainties in its predictions. The environment of the host vehicle is segmented into equally sized grid cells which are classified individually. Complementary to the segmentation output, our Deep Learning-based algorithm is capable of differentiating uncertainties in its predictions as being related to an inadequate model (epistemic uncertainty) or noisy data (aleatoric uncertainty). To this end, weights are described as probability distributions accounting for uncertainties in the model parameters. Distributions are learned in a supervised fashion using gradient descent. We prove that uncertainties in the model output correlate with the precision of its predictions. Compared to previous concepts, we show superior performance of our approach to reliably perceive the environment of a vehicle.

46.SERT: A Transfomer Based Model for Spatio-Temporal Sensor Data with Missing Values for Environmental Monitoring

Authors:Amin Shoari Nejad, Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez, Gerard D. McCarthy, Brian Kelleher, Anthony Grey, Andrew Parnell

Abstract: Environmental monitoring is crucial to our understanding of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. The availability of large-scale spatio-temporal data from sources such as sensors and satellites allows us to develop sophisticated models for forecasting and understanding key drivers. However, the data collected from sensors often contain missing values due to faulty equipment or maintenance issues. The missing values rarely occur simultaneously leading to data that are multivariate misaligned sparse time series. We propose two models that are capable of performing multivariate spatio-temporal forecasting while handling missing data naturally without the need for imputation. The first model is a transformer-based model, which we name SERT (Spatio-temporal Encoder Representations from Transformers). The second is a simpler model named SST-ANN (Sparse Spatio-Temporal Artificial Neural Network) which is capable of providing interpretable results. We conduct extensive experiments on two different datasets for multivariate spatio-temporal forecasting and show that our models have competitive or superior performance to those at the state-of-the-art.

47.Forecasting Crude Oil Prices Using Reservoir Computing Models

Authors:Kaushal Kumar

Abstract: Accurate crude oil price prediction is crucial for financial decision-making. We propose a novel reservoir computing model for forecasting crude oil prices. It outperforms popular deep learning methods in most scenarios, as demonstrated through rigorous evaluation using daily closing price data from major stock market indices. Our model's competitive advantage is further validated by comparing it with recent deep-learning approaches. This study introduces innovative reservoir computing models for predicting crude oil prices, with practical implications for financial practitioners. By leveraging advanced techniques, market participants can enhance decision-making and gain valuable insights into crude oil market dynamics.

48.LibAUC: A Deep Learning Library for X-Risk Optimization

Authors:Zhuoning Yuan, Dixian Zhu, Zi-Hao Qiu, Gang Li, Xuanhui Wang, Tianbao Yang

Abstract: This paper introduces the award-winning deep learning (DL) library called LibAUC for implementing state-of-the-art algorithms towards optimizing a family of risk functions named X-risks. X-risks refer to a family of compositional functions in which the loss function of each data point is defined in a way that contrasts the data point with a large number of others. They have broad applications in AI for solving classical and emerging problems, including but not limited to classification for imbalanced data (CID), learning to rank (LTR), and contrastive learning of representations (CLR). The motivation of developing LibAUC is to address the convergence issues of existing libraries for solving these problems. In particular, existing libraries may not converge or require very large mini-batch sizes in order to attain good performance for these problems, due to the usage of the standard mini-batch technique in the empirical risk minimization (ERM) framework. Our library is for deep X-risk optimization (DXO) that has achieved great success in solving a variety of tasks for CID, LTR and CLR. The contributions of this paper include: (1) It introduces a new mini-batch based pipeline for implementing DXO algorithms, which differs from existing DL pipeline in the design of controlled data samplers and dynamic mini-batch losses; (2) It provides extensive benchmarking experiments for ablation studies and comparison with existing libraries. The LibAUC library features scalable performance for millions of items to be contrasted, faster and better convergence than existing libraries for optimizing X-risks, seamless PyTorch deployment and versatile APIs for various loss optimization. Our library is available to the open source community at, to facilitate further academic research and industrial applications.

49.Explore to Generalize in Zero-Shot RL

Authors:Ev Zisselman, Itai Lavie, Daniel Soudry, Aviv Tamar

Abstract: We study zero-shot generalization in reinforcement learning - optimizing a policy on a set of training tasks such that it will perform well on a similar but unseen test task. To mitigate overfitting, previous work explored different notions of invariance to the task. However, on problems such as the ProcGen Maze, an adequate solution that is invariant to the task visualization does not exist, and therefore invariance-based approaches fail. Our insight is that learning a policy that $\textit{explores}$ the domain effectively is harder to memorize than a policy that maximizes reward for a specific task, and therefore we expect such learned behavior to generalize well; we indeed demonstrate this empirically on several domains that are difficult for invariance-based approaches. Our $\textit{Explore to Generalize}$ algorithm (ExpGen) builds on this insight: We train an additional ensemble of agents that optimize reward. At test time, either the ensemble agrees on an action, and we generalize well, or we take exploratory actions, which are guaranteed to generalize and drive us to a novel part of the state space, where the ensemble may potentially agree again. We show that our approach is the state-of-the-art on several tasks in the ProcGen challenge that have so far eluded effective generalization. For example, we demonstrate a success rate of $82\%$ on the Maze task and $74\%$ on Heist with $200$ training levels.

50.A General Perspective on Objectives of Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Long Yang

Abstract: In this lecture, we present a general perspective on reinforcement learning (RL) objectives, where we show three versions of objectives. The first version is the standard definition of objective in RL literature. Then we extend the standard definition to the $\lambda$-return version, which unifies the standard definition of objective. Finally, we propose a general objective that unifies the previous two versions. The last version provides a high level to understand of RL's objective, where it shows a fundamental formulation that connects some widely used RL techniques (e.g., TD$(\lambda)$ and GAE), and this objective can be potentially applied to extensive RL algorithms.

51.Sensitivity-Aware Finetuning for Accuracy Recovery on Deep Learning Hardware

Authors:Lakshmi Nair, Darius Bunandar

Abstract: Existing methods to recover model accuracy on analog-digital hardware in the presence of quantization and analog noise include noise-injection training. However, it can be slow in practice, incurring high computational costs, even when starting from pretrained models. We introduce the Sensitivity-Aware Finetuning (SAFT) approach that identifies noise sensitive layers in a model, and uses the information to freeze specific layers for noise-injection training. Our results show that SAFT achieves comparable accuracy to noise-injection training and is 2x to 8x faster.