Job position at Western University. Deadline is on

Assistant or Associate Professor (tenure-track)

Atmospheric Physics (severe weather)

Job summary
The Department of Physics & Astronomy in the Faculty of Science at Western University is
pleased to announce a search for a full-time faculty position in a research area related to severe
weather. The successful applicant will be appointed in a probationary (tenure-track)
appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, or a tenured
appointment at the rank of Associate Professor. The rank and salary will be commensurate with
the successful applicant’s qualifications and experience. The anticipated start date will be July
1, 2023.

The successful candidate will have research expertise in computational or experimental
atmospheric physics relevant to severe weather. Existing related expertise in the department
includes modelling and computation of nonlinear wave phenomena; regional climate modelling,
mesoscale dynamics, and boundary layer meteorology; and radar and lidar measurements of
atmospheric dynamics, temperature, and composition. The successful candidate’s intended
research should benefit from collaboration with one or more of these research groups, or with
related research at Western including the Northern Tornadoes Project, Northern Hail Project,
and Earth observation and remote sensing research (see Western Space).
Tip: To strengthen your application consider posting a video-summary of your most exciting research.