Dataset Condensation for Recommendation

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Dataset Condensation for Recommendation


Jiahao Wu, Wenqi Fan, Shengcai Liu, Qijiong Liu, Rui He, Qing Li, Ke Tang


Training recommendation models on large datasets often requires significant time and computational resources. Consequently, an emergent imperative has arisen to construct informative, smaller-scale datasets for efficiently training. Dataset compression techniques explored in other domains show potential possibility to address this problem, via sampling a subset or synthesizing a small dataset. However, applying existing approaches to condense recommendation datasets is impractical due to following challenges: (i) sampling-based methods are inadequate in addressing the long-tailed distribution problem; (ii) synthesizing-based methods are not applicable due to discreteness of interactions and large size of recommendation datasets; (iii) neither of them fail to address the specific issue in recommendation of false negative items, where items with potential user interest are incorrectly sampled as negatives owing to insufficient exposure. To bridge this gap, we investigate dataset condensation for recommendation, where discrete interactions are continualized with probabilistic re-parameterization. To avoid catastrophically expensive computations, we adopt a one-step update strategy for inner model training and introducing policy gradient estimation for outer dataset synthesis. To mitigate amplification of long-tailed problem, we compensate long-tailed users in the condensed dataset. Furthermore, we propose to utilize a proxy model to identify false negative items. Theoretical analysis regarding the convergence property is provided. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our method. In particular, we reduce the dataset size by 75% while approximating over 98% of the original performance on Dianping and over 90% on other datasets.

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