Approximating Subset Sum Ratio faster than Subset Sum

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Approximating Subset Sum Ratio faster than Subset Sum


Karl Bringmann


Subset Sum Ratio is the following optimization problem: Given a set of $n$ positive numbers $I$, find disjoint subsets $X,Y \subseteq I$ minimizing the ratio $\max\{\Sigma(X)/\Sigma(Y),\Sigma(Y)/\Sigma(X)\}$, where $\Sigma(Z)$ denotes the sum of all elements of $Z$. Subset Sum Ratio is an optimization variant of the Equal Subset Sum problem. It was introduced by Woeginger and Yu in '92 and is known to admit an FPTAS [Bazgan, Santha, Tuza '98]. The best approximation schemes before this work had running time $O(n^4/\varepsilon)$ [Melissinos, Pagourtzis '18], $\tilde O(n^{2.3}/\varepsilon^{2.6})$ and $\tilde O(n^2/\varepsilon^3)$ [Alonistiotis et al. '22]. In this work, we present an improved approximation scheme for Subset Sum Ratio running in time $O(n / \varepsilon^{0.9386})$. Here we assume that the items are given in sorted order, otherwise we need an additional running time of $O(n \log n)$ for sorting. Our improved running time simultaneously improves the dependence on $n$ to linear and the dependence on $1/\varepsilon$ to sublinear. For comparison, the related Subset Sum problem admits an approximation scheme running in time $O(n/\varepsilon)$ [Gens, Levner '79]. If one would achieve an approximation scheme with running time $\tilde O(n / \varepsilon^{0.99})$ for Subset Sum, then one would falsify the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis [Abboud, Bringmann, Hermelin, Shabtay '19] as well as the Min-Plus-Convolution Hypothesis [Bringmann, Nakos '21]. We thus establish that Subset Sum Ratio admits faster approximation schemes than Subset Sum. This comes as a surprise, since at any point in time before this work the best known approximation scheme for Subset Sum Ratio had a worse running time than the best known approximation scheme for Subset Sum.

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