Fault-tolerant $k$-Supplier with Outliers

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Fault-tolerant $k$-Supplier with Outliers


Deeparnab Chakrabarty, Luc Cote, Ankita Sarkar


We present approximation algorithms for the Fault-tolerant $k$-Supplier with Outliers ($\mathsf{F}k\mathsf{SO}$) problem. This is a common generalization of two known problems -- $k$-Supplier with Outliers, and Fault-tolerant $k$-Supplier -- each of which generalize the well-known $k$-Supplier problem. In the $k$-Supplier problem the goal is to serve $n$ clients $C$, by opening $k$ facilities from a set of possible facilities $F$; the objective function is the farthest that any client must travel to access an open facility. In $\mathsf{F}k\mathsf{SO}$, each client $v$ has a fault-tolerance $\ell_v$, and now desires $\ell_v$ facilities to serve it; so each client $v$'s contribution to the objective function is now its distance to the $\ell_v^{\text{th}}$ closest open facility. Furthermore, we are allowed to choose $m$ clients that we will serve, and only those clients contribute to the objective function, while the remaining $n-m$ are considered outliers. Our main result is a $\min\{4t-1,2^t+1\}$-approximation for the $\mathsf{F}k\mathsf{SO}$ problem, where $t$ is the number of distinct values of $\ell_v$ that appear in the instance. At $t=1$, i.e. in the case where the $\ell_v$'s are uniformly some $\ell$, this yields a $3$-approximation, improving upon the $11$-approximation given for the uniform case by Inamdar and Varadarajan [2020], who also introduced the problem. Our result for the uniform case matches tight $3$-approximations that exist for $k$-Supplier, $k$-Supplier with Outliers, and Fault-tolerant $k$-Supplier. Our key technical contribution is an application of the round-or-cut schema to $\mathsf{F}k\mathsf{SO}$. Guided by an LP relaxation, we reduce to a simpler optimization problem, which we can solve to obtain distance bounds for the "round" step, and valid inequalities for the "cut" step.

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