A simple model for strange metallic behaviour
A simple model for strange metallic behavior
Sutapa Samanta, Hareram Swain, Benoît Douçot, Giuseppe Policastro, Ayan Mukhopadhyay
AbstractA refined semi-holographic non-Fermi liquid model, in which carrier electrons hybridize with operators of a holographic critical sector, has been proposed recently for strange metallic behavior. The model, consistently with effective theory approach, has two couplings whose ratio is related to the doping. We explain the origin of the linear-in-T resistivity and strange metallic behavior as a consequence of the emergence of a universal form of the spectral function which is independent of the model parameters when the ratio of the two couplings take optimal values determined only by the critical exponent. This universal form fits well with photoemission data of copper oxide samples for under/optimal/over-doping with a fixed exponent over a wide range of temperatures. We further obtain a refined Planckian dissipation scenario in which the scattering time $\tau = f \cdot \hbar /(k_B T)$, with $f$ being $\mathcal{O}(1)$ at strong coupling, but $\mathcal{O}(10)$ at weak coupling.