A Bio-Inspired Research Paradigm of Collision Perception Neurons Enabling Neuro-Robotic Integration: The LGMD Case

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A Bio-Inspired Research Paradigm of Collision Perception Neurons Enabling Neuro-Robotic Integration: The LGMD Case


Ziyan Qin, Jigen Peng, Shigang Yue, Qinbing Fu


Compared to human vision, insect visual systems excel at rapid and precise collision detection, despite relying on only tens of thousands of neurons organized through a few neuropils. This efficiency makes them an attractive model system for developing artificial collision-detecting systems. Specifically, researchers have identified collision-selective neurons in the locust's optic lobe, called lobula giant movement detectors (LGMDs), which respond specifically to approaching objects. Research upon LGMD neurons began in the early 1970s. Initially, due to their large size, these neurons were identified as motion detectors, but their role as looming detectors was recognized over time. Since then, progress in neuroscience, computational modeling of LGMD's visual neural circuits, and LGMD-based robotics has advanced in tandem, each field supporting and driving the others. Today, with a deeper understanding of LGMD neurons, LGMD-based models have significantly improved collision-free navigation in mobile robots including ground and aerial robots. This review highlights recent developments in LGMD research from the perspectives of neuroscience, computational modeling, and robotics. It emphasizes a biologically plausible research paradigm, where insights from neuroscience inform real-world applications, which would in turn validate and advance neuroscience. With strong support from extensive research and growing application demand, this paradigm has reached a mature stage and demonstrates versatility across different areas of neuroscience research, thereby enhancing our understanding of the interconnections between neuroscience, computational modeling, and robotics. Furthermore, other motion-sensitive neurons have also shown promising potential for adopting this research paradigm.

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